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  1. tudorcd

    Introducing a new queen to poss DLQ hive

    If you can't find the DLQ is there any reason why you don't introduce a cell and some emerging brood ? And the virgin dispose of the incumbent queen Thanks.
  2. tudorcd

    Manuka type honey

    The only characteristic of genuine moonooka honey is its price. Don't be deceived ! :)
  3. tudorcd

    Rabid Vampire Bees!!!

    What strain of bees do people have ? British bee, mongrels, Italian, buck fast, don't know ? Here in NZ we don't tolerate nasty bees in suburbs or risky areas.
  4. tudorcd

    A positive One Size Box / 'Rose' Method discussion

    I have been running one size boxes (mediums or 3/4 langstroths) with no excluders. It is not a simple as it sounds, timing is essential, and inserting boxes into the brood nest is very productive when appropriate, and helps prevent swarming. It is easy to understand when talking about the tide...
  5. tudorcd

    Mesh hole size to get bees above head height

    I think the bees landing on the screens are those going on orientation flights, once they learn the pathways they just go right over.
  6. tudorcd

    Dartington hive

    The method is based on the Rose Hive method, but you can use a queen excluder if that suits your bees. The hives can go as high as you need, pic attached. Over winter usually in 3 boxes, the top one stores, and then go up to 6, 7 or 8 over summer. And you can move/swap frames and boxes as...
  7. tudorcd

    Dartington hive

    Here in NZ I am promoting using One Size Boxes (3/4 supers) for the brood box and honey - they don't get too heavy and you can use 2 or 3 boxes for the brood box. And use queen excluder, if you want to. Works very well for hobby beekeepers. Very flexible, and very simple to prevent swarming -...
  8. tudorcd

    What To Buy

    And a nice old sheet, which has been retired from domestic duties, to bundle up your box containing the swarm and a nice bit of cord to tie it up.
  9. tudorcd

    what would you do

    Spoon, not knife and fork, linen napkin. Sit up straight.
  10. tudorcd

    Extracting honey from darkened brood frames

    It is a serious no-no to extract honey with brood in the frame, contaminating with lots of bugs, whether capped or not. Just leave frames out of the job and put them back in the hive, can hatch out and extract later if needed.
  11. tudorcd


    Bore da. Yes, moonooka often tastes 'orrible, I am still amazed how much people will pay.
  12. tudorcd


    Oi, my closest village is Portobello (near Dunedin, New Zealand). What I love is the argument about other honey being "better" than moonooka, when its all hooey unless aimed at skin application such as chronic ulcers. And most honeys have a good effect on these. And the most recent rules from...
  13. tudorcd

    what would you do

    I am following this thread with great enjoyment, and waiting for: "Sir, the dog ate my homework", or something better. IG, keep it up !
  14. tudorcd

    Bees residing in pub wall.

    In 1968 I was staying with student friends near Whittlesford, we drank oft at the Bees, one Sunday morning while having coffee I was startled by a Messerschmit going over very low hotly pursued by 2 RAF fighters. Time lapse, I thought, or too much beer. Then we spotted the camera plane which was...
  15. tudorcd

    Same size boxes

    I run most of my 40 hives with 3/4 boxes and the rose advised method of inserting brood boxes which works very well when timed to occur when bees numbers are rising rapidly. With no excluder the queen goes up high and lays anywhere, and as flow advances and brood hatches out the workers convert...
  16. tudorcd

    Aggressive Hives

    Our bee breeders have talked about workers kinships or clans. Does this perhaps cause a change in the mood of the hive as nasty ones preserve kin of the same ilk ?
  17. tudorcd

    Flight path obstacles

    When bees come out for orientation flights they often fly into netting but soon learn if they survive, and not many come to grief.
  18. tudorcd

    Uncapped honey

    Thanks, Socrates. 1 Don't put on too many supers - but enough, experience helps 2 Wait but not too long - bees eat honey or move it to the brood box when the flow is over 3 Use shake and 80% capped guidance, check with refractometer if you are unsure Regards.
  19. tudorcd

    Uncapped honey

    Could please expand on "other alternatives". Thanks.
  20. tudorcd

    Plastic Pots from TH*****

    And good service to me in New Zealand, excellent service although postage adds to costs - and crystal comb containers are good with attached lids.