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  1. misterbee82

    Capped honey from ruined SHB hive

    Okay so Weil's disease is like the hantavirus on steroids, I retract my prior statements as I needed some much needed advice to do further research. Based on my findings I recommend the mice poop honey, and SHB honey both be disposed of properly. Then reevaluate your hive/hives and see if there...
  2. misterbee82

    Capped honey from ruined SHB hive

    I will have to research Weil's disease, all I am familiar with is the hantavirus. If I made a wrong recommendation feel free to correct me. Sorry for any misguided advice.
  3. misterbee82

    Capped honey from ruined SHB hive

    I recently advised you to give the mouse poop honey back to your bees, but the SHB honey is a complete loss as it can not be fed back to the bees and it is wasted for human consumption. I don't know why you're having this many issues with pests. You need to go to the source of the problem and...
  4. misterbee82

    Queen stopped laying

    We live in a desert, the only thing keeping it fertile for plant growth in our area is the Columbia and Yakima rivers. If you want to see anything Google Richland, and Kennewick Washington.
  5. misterbee82

    Mouse poop in honey

    A honey heater? This is a piece of equipment I've yet to see. Also we were warned in our bee club that cooking honey above 120 degrees can remove a large amount of the health benefits.
  6. misterbee82

    Mann Lake side bars?

    Been reading about bee space concepts and the comb that they make to fill it.
  7. misterbee82

    Supering and spacing

    There really isn't a wrong time to add a honey super as long as you add a queen extruder to prevent her from laying eggs in the honey. If it is a bit premature they just won't fill the honey super as quickly, until the next honey flow.
  8. misterbee82

    Is it me?

    Yes that is precisely why a queen extruder is used in that situation. It is historically why the assistant of the master bed keeper who introduced Africanized bees to Brazil ended up accidentally releasing them and causing an chronic disaster, because he removed the extruders in 1957 and they...
  9. misterbee82

    Mouse poop in honey

    I just hope you give the honey back to the bees and not have any further rodent problems. Better luck on your next attempt.
  10. misterbee82

    Bee venom collector and collecting bee venom

    Not familiar with venom collectors for bees, and not sure if anyone on the board will have more experience with it then I will.
  11. misterbee82

    Swallows Arrived

    Birds of all kinds are having offspring where we're at.
  12. misterbee82

    Queen stopped laying

    This is my first time hearing of this, she stops laying because of extreme weather?
  13. misterbee82

    Q off lay.

    What do you give them as a protein source? As pollen is generally no longer available at that point of the year
  14. misterbee82

    Swarming signs or just paranoia?

    What I have been brought as far as information is they've got to have a suitable reason to swarm. You probably already know this but those examples are generally not enough space for brood, or no space for honey production. Other problems that can have them leave the hive are mites. Typically...
  15. misterbee82

    14x12 nucs or Standard nucs.

    I don't have experience with national hives, but wouldn't the 14×12 be larger frames and therefore produce more room for brood or honey production? and because of that be more desirable then smaller frames?
  16. misterbee82

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Congratulations Robbo glad you're getting a lot of joy out of watching them. They're always fascinating to watch.
  17. misterbee82

    This cold weather...

    I make rounds when I am at home to watch them at both hive locations, and see what's going on.
  18. misterbee82

    This cold weather...

    Thank God that England and France are finally catching a break in the stormy weather, and getting delightful bee weather. We have been getting 85 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit here for the last few days ourselves.
  19. misterbee82

    Moving 200m

    Sorry to hear this project hasn't been what you were hoping, none of us enjoy loss of bees, and none of us enjoy having our plans not work as intended.
  20. misterbee82

    Is the empress tree good forage for bees?

    We have a Russian Olive tree problem where I live. It is a invasive species and usually overwhelms the other tree species in our area.