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  1. F

    Help - best approach to prepare for winter?

    Thank you for your response. I forgot to mention treatment - so thank you for reminding me! I’ll leave off feeding for a while longer 👍🏻
  2. F

    Help - best approach to prepare for winter?

    I’ve completed today’s hive inspection on my new colony from June this year. BIAS in brood box abs Queen seen. There’s about 4/10 frames used for stores in brood but looks like 1 of those frames is empty, the other 3 have 50/50 capped/uncapped honey. The super has 4 frames drawn but empty, 2...
  3. F

    Colony not expanded this week - I blame yhe weather

    Thanks - reassuring to know! I checked the honey today on refractometer and it reads 17% so happy with that. Capped honey will come off soon as soon as I’ve done my samples for the bee honey archives. I’ll be putting in varroa treatment and then letting the girls tidy up the cappings etc.:-)
  4. F

    Colony not expanded this week - I blame yhe weather

    My colony from a 5 frame nuc has been expanding every week - increasing brood and brood stores or drawing out super and honey. This weeks inspection though I noticed for first time no real change. It’s been a tough week weather wise as it’s been dull, windy and quite wet. They’re making the...
  5. F

    Hornet hover fly?

    Not the best pictures…was about to get a decent close up when guard bee decided I wasn’t wanted. This is just outside my hive. Think it’s a hornet mimic hover fly..? I know it’s not strictly bee but interesting…I believe they get confused with Asian hornets….
  6. F

    Swapping out brood frame?

    Thanks, this was the alternative option I had thought about. The benefit here is that I reduce the risk of rolling bees, once it’s out the main brood box I won’t have to worry about that aspect. What does anyone use for insulation that safe for the bees. I presume that if I insert a second brood...
  7. F

    Swapping out brood frame?

    Thanks, Yea I think exactly what happened in the Nuc, all other frames I have in my hive are spaced so I don’t get this problem, just one side on this frame that’s quite awkward. ill have a look next inspection, I think there’s enough space to get all other 9 frames in correctly with just bee...
  8. F

    Swapping out brood frame?

    Hi thanks, Yes that’s part of what I was thinking - moving it around will just disrupt space elsewhere making a bigger ‘mess’. As this frame is pretty much in the centre I’m wondering if I’ll ever see it without brood! Looks like it’ll stay till later in the year and I’ll sort it as part of...
  9. F

    Swapping out brood frame?

    After a successful inspection yesterday I’m thinking that at some point I need to swap out a brood frame. The frame in question was originally supplied as part of the Nuc. It is an unwired frame and it has been built out to the point that the next frame was already a bit wider than ‘bee space’...
  10. F

    Progress update/hive Inspection

    Ah brood box is pretty much done - 5-6 frames of larvae/brood and the outer most brood frames have nectar so all 10 frames are now in use with decent amount of stores for the expanding colony. I wasn’t very clear in my first post!
  11. F

    Progress update/hive Inspection

    So after the heatwave started to cool down a bit I took the opportunity to try out my new ventilated suit and I like it!! Still quite warm but it was cooler and felt safe! The bees have been very busy over the last 8 days. Total brood up from 4 to 5 frames, but they’ve added 3 frames of stores...
  12. F

    Hive Progress

    Thanks. It’ll be gone first thing tomorrow t Thanks. I’ll take super off tomorrow morning first thing. …Great minds think alike! 😊
  13. F

    Hive Progress

    Hi all, I think my hive is progressing well but would be happy to hear thoughts from those with more experience! Here is extract from my records thus far: 24th June: Hive was created by moving a 5 frame Nuc into National standard brood box with 5 frames of foundation added 2 on one side and 3...
  14. F

    Hello, from Wiltshire

    Thank you. Whereabouts in Wiltshire are you? Im near Trowbridge.
  15. F

    Queen outside

    I think you’ve seen the future….
  16. F

    Queen outside

    Hmm yes agree, there’s every chance I missed them. They moved on Wednesday which is when I checked them. There was a bit of burr on some frames but nothing that looked like QC but I absolutely accept I could miss them. Inspection again this Wednesday so will take a good close look at what’s...
  17. F

    Queen outside

    Yes that could be it. I hadn’t seen any QC when I moved from the nuc to hive but that’s not to say there wasn’t. Next inspection mid-week so I’ll have a good look at what’s going on! Thanks
  18. F

    Queen outside

    So as seems about normal around 2pm today my bees were getting very busy at the hive. There was a fair number around the entrance and quite a ‘cloud’ of bees up to about 2 feet away in front of the entrance. Looked like new brood having orientation, plenty foragers coming and going and then to...
  19. F

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Today I inspected and transferred my bees from nuc to brood box. Letting them settle down and watching them bring the pollen in!
  20. F


    Thanks, I shall remember that. Typically it appears that anywhere from around a day to a week is the ‘norm’ by most accounts. On this occasion though, I had no desire to move them whilst a bit cold & raining so happier giving them a bit longer :-)