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  1. Dibbler

    I have a new job!

    What a great and brave step to take James. I wish you lots of luck although I don't think you will need it. I hope your new work life balance is all that you want it to be. Camper vans are great 👍
  2. Dibbler

    I'll kick this off with Chris's post.

    Part 2. I started keeping bees when I met an older gentlemen at our local primary school fete. I used to have chickens, ducks the odd lamb. Plus numerous hedgehogs and incredibly badgers used to come and feed. He asked if I would be interested in keeping bees as he was finding his age was making...
  3. Dibbler

    I'll kick this off with Chris's post.

    I'm really glad I found this thread. I've never treated any of my hives. 25 years of beekeeping before stroke and 3 years now. I don't want to treat them. In that time I've lost 2 hives. 1 as it was too small to go through winter. It was a late very small swarm collected from a local church in...
  4. Dibbler

    Got myself in a mess. Trying to sort it.

    I've done exactly as Garry said. Crown board is now off the Feeder box, which is full to bursting of honey. No larvae or eggs that I could see any longer. Just honey stores. Got all bees from super into brood box. All excluders on. They didn't like me taking the crown board off the feeder...
  5. Dibbler

    Got myself in a mess. Trying to sort it.

    What a brilliant idea. Definitely doing that. I love this forum. Thank you so much.
  6. Dibbler

    Got myself in a mess. Trying to sort it.

    Sorry Garry. I've re read my post. It sounded like bees were only in feeder box and super. That is incorrect. Bees with queen also in original bb. Honey stores in super above that. I will get crown board off the feeder box so I can see what's I there. Last inspection was honey plus capped brood...
  7. Dibbler

    Got myself in a mess. Trying to sort it.

    Thank you. Your knowledge has gone in my bee book so I remember it. :)
  8. Dibbler

    Got myself in a mess. Trying to sort it.

    I've started a bee book. I write down exactly what I've done in each hive after I've done it. I'm finding when I move to another hive I've already forgotten. My stroke head doesn't retain new memories very well at all.
  9. Dibbler

    Got myself in a mess. Trying to sort it.

    Thank you so much. I've made a new super. Holey one was from the gentlemans old beekeeper stock. Do you think there is just one queen ? She is in the bottom bb. Marked so easier to spot. I use porters in the winter to help heat loss. A hang up from pre stroke bee keeping in Lincolnshire. We had...
  10. Dibbler

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Thank you. I've looked on the Internet and it seems to be an amazing plant. Used widely in herbal medicine. People sell the dried leaves to make tea. I will look out for some seeds. :)
  11. Dibbler

    Got myself in a mess. Trying to sort it.

    Long story short. Started by me forgetting to put queen excluder between bb and a homemade feeder box last Autumn. Ended up in hospital unable to check bees. When I did they were fine except. They filled the feeder box with comb. Very heavy, so left for honey stores through winter. On next...
  12. Dibbler

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    I feel I should know what plant this is, but can't remember. I love the leaves. If I can get a couple I have plenty of room to plant them in the hive area. I have a lot of hawksbeard in that area.
  13. Dibbler

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    The white pollen could be Thyme. In my garden I have several large plants in full flower and its covered in bees.
  14. Dibbler

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    New bees have decided to stay. :) Weather has been awful. Constant rain. Mostly heavy. Cold. They say its summer ! Just managed to feed new hive. All seems well. Bees seem to be flying in 3 hives. Others hunkering down. Hoping weather will improve tomorrow. Need to inspect before holiday.
  15. Dibbler

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    My bees are all over the 5 False Acacia trees. 3 storeys high in the front. Also bramble, poppies, dandelions, allium a real mixture of colours.
  16. Dibbler

    So Frustrating.

    Couldn't do a thing yesterday. Bad thunderstorms with 45 degree driving rain. Early this morning have done as suggested here. Nuc frames in brood box. 4 frames of good drawn out foundation. Feeder in situ with syrup. Went to get a frame of brood from a strong colony but they were not happy, so...
  17. Dibbler

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    The mystery of the swarm in my yew tree is over. It was the bees that took up residence in one of my spare hives. Couldn't do anything yesterday as horrendous thunderstorms with Mediterranean like rain. So glad we managed to collect them. Up early today, checked the spare hive and yes sure...
  18. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    I don't sell my candles. Making them for myself, family and friends as gifts. I personally use soy wax and keep every scrap of my own beeswax to use. Plus as pargyle says all the right packaging. I will stick to selling my honey.
  19. Dibbler

    So Frustrating.

    Ha it must be a stroke thing my husband says I do excellent steak 😋 Ah, another forgotten thing. I have 5 hives at the moment. One certainly has good brood frames. I will look and swap a frame. Thank you Poot.