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  1. C

    Summer's over?

    But if one has more, putting all over would have more benefits. Best to keep all heat in rather than let some escape out the walls. I have been on houses with just insulation in the roof and houses where insulation all over. The latter would be warmer and the same would go for a hive.
  2. C

    Insulated floor or not.

    I have insulation on the roof and walls of one of my hives and an OMF. Would it benefit my bees if I added an insulated floor as well.
  3. C

    How to clean or should I burn

    HAaha. Should i burn it all, or just torch the inside and reuse the hive and frames after torching.
  4. C

    How to clean or should I burn

    Someone has said it can be used to catch more swarms next season. Bees love old hives with dirty frames for some reason.
  5. C

    How to clean or should I burn

    The bees swarmed and then the rest robbed by wasps then died out. I was supposed to remove the honey then store the BB and supers in the shed but just never gotten around to it. Bad beekeeping i know but its what it is. Wont happen again.
  6. C

    How to clean or should I burn

    Burn as in don't use again or burn with torch the frames and inside to burn again.
  7. C

    How to clean or should I burn

    I have a brood box and super that has been left for 3 years with honey in it. Honey fermented , then was raided by wasps this year. All cells are now empty however the inside of the box has molded along with the wax. Should I try and clean it or is it gone past the cleaning stage and just...
  8. C

    Insulation board question

    Would 100mm be detrimental for the bees?
  9. C

    Added a frame in centre of brood

    Im away working and left the wife to tend to the bees. She added a frame of comb in between the brood 5 days ago and is feeding 2:1. If it were me, I'd be inclined to add it on the outside if the brood. I will be home tomorrow, should I leave the frame in place or move it. I don't want to be...
  10. C

    Queen is laying like crazy

    Why not just say a pint of water to 1kg of sugar. That sounds simpler for 2:1
  11. C

    Insulation board question

    .100mm all over and on the floor should benefit the bees more than just 50mm all over
  12. C

    To treat or not to treat

    There are very few houses near him, nearest beekeeper is 12miles away.
  13. C

    To treat or not to treat

    Is there many beekeepers on this forum that dont treat there bees at all for over wintering. One bee keeper i know doesnt treat, his hives would be a BB and half for overwintering. Insulation on top and bottom and always leaves them honey. Never treats and still manages to have bees year after...
  14. C

    Queen is laying like crazy

    OK, I was getting confused about what way the 2:1 was. I was thinking it's 2litres water per kg of sugar but really it's 2kg sugar per 1litre of water.
  15. C

    Insulation board question

    100mm would give better insulation that 50mm would it not?
  16. C

    Queen is laying like crazy

    But will I be OK with 2 bags sugar to 2 pints of water. I have 6 bags of sugar mixed in with 6 pints of water. Undecided to give it to my bees just yet
  17. C

    Queen is laying like crazy

    Is it 2 pints of water per 2 x 1kg bags of sugar.
  18. C

    Cast swarm

    Should I feed 1:1 or 2:1 now that's were in September
  19. C

    Cast swarm

    It was a small swarm. Why I thought it was a cast