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  • pargyle
    pargyle reacted to Moobee's post in the thread God I love growing our own with Wow Wow.
    Gosh, I don’t miss Fareham clay although we’ve got Bracklesham clay instead which is greyish and after a storm & with a very low tide...
  • pargyle
    pargyle replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
    I've already got one ! Without all the involuntary ones every time it rains !!
  • pargyle
    I thought that initially but Lega have always stamped their name in the side of the drum and the stands extend up the side of the drum...
  • pargyle
    pargyle replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
    On most of my garden if I dig down more than a few inches I hit Fareham clay with flints - it's the stuff that Fareham Bricks were made...
  • pargyle
    pargyle replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
    Moles in my garden would need to be tungsten tipped !
  • pargyle
    pargyle replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
    Yes ... the leaf mould lightens the mix and at the same time holds moisture better than 'normal' potting/seed mix. It works well for me...
  • pargyle
    pargyle replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
    My garden robin appears to be servicing a nest in my spare cement mixer (I have two - don't ask !)- it's got a cover over it but he's...
  • pargyle
    pargyle replied to the thread First ever split.
    It's exciting when you do it for the first time - and even more exciting when it works ! Well done, on your way to becoming a...
  • pargyle
    pargyle reacted to JamezF's post in the thread God I love growing our own with Like Like.
    Possibly a bit late to start now for this year, but Real Seeds (and therefore others, I assume) do at least one tomato variety that...
  • pargyle
    pargyle replied to the thread Bee Fly.
    Yesv...never seen one in my garden until this week and I saw one on my overwinter broad beans that are in flower - I thought initially...
  • pargyle
    pargyle reacted to Murox's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    I store mine wet as well, in an unheated garage sealed top and bottom with a plastic gravel tray (@Erichalfbee's idea I think) and a...
  • pargyle
    pargyle reacted to Eyeman's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    Until one day! Now I give mine a spray of Dipel before storing & a second spray 1 month later.
  • pargyle
    pargyle replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
    I saved the seeds from the only tomatoes that survived blight last year - they were the 6 plants from the nursery that had lost their...
  • pargyle
    pargyle replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
    Recipe for compost please. I have garden compost and leaf mould. What else to add? I do 70% compost 20% leaf mould (finely seived) and...
  • pargyle
    pargyle reacted to E&MBees's post in the thread God I love growing our own with Like Like.
    Sounds like my back garden. I have so many pots full of cuttings and bits of plants. My family are fed up with them and me! I can’t...