Recent content by North London Bee Man

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. N

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I haven't been in my home apiary for 10 days as I have been on a family holiday and do not currently have any bees there. I did have an empty hive set up which, by the looks of my low quality and intermittently online camera, now appears to be home to a swarm that moved in the day I left...
  2. N

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Only went and won a prize in my local honey show! Admittedly it was the novice class with not many entries, but now my "Award winning" honey will definitely be worth the £90 a jar I need to break even on this year :)
  3. N

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    It was near the apiary....had my first go at cleaning some wax to enter in my local honey show. I will not be entering wax in my local honey show.
  4. N

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Watched the first signs that my drones are on their way out, I think. They seemed to be happily (and noisily) coming and going yesterday but having a much harder time today.
  5. N

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Quite a long inspection today to try and get a few things in order - I probably deserved the sting I got to tell me to get on with it! Finally swapped out one of the short frames from the bait hive that they'd built "creatively" on the bottom of and made inspections tricky. Just 2 left now. Also...
  6. N

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Built a rhombus clearer ready for a day I'll be stupidly excited about and fitted some insulation I picked up from a neighbour yesterday. Started on a polycarbonate crown board from leftovers but none of the bits were the size I needed so will have to redesign.
  7. N

    Swarm catching devices and extendable poles.

    I have the Wolf Garten pole with a lopper for cutting the top off my tree (where I've now caught swarms). It's taken a lot of abuse over 20 years but the pole is still in great condition and stays at whichever length is selected. I can't work out if it would easily connect to the catcher but the...
  8. N

    Hello From North London

    Hello. I'm new to the forum and although it's my 2nd year of beekeeping am definitely new to that too. I had every intention last year of just learning and getting ready to buy some bees for this year, but in the middle of some work at home realised I had some plywood left over and stumbled on a...