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  1. J

    New polynuc from Thornes

    I see a Benefitbee label there who are a Chinese supplier, so that answers that query. Link is to the manufacturers website, informative diagrams. Thorne's Chinese polynuc
  2. J

    Not just any honey...

    M&S British honey is supplied by Wainwrights, I don't know who provides the wider range. The video was by Gwenyn Gruffyd (apologies if I've mangled the spelling). There's at least a couple of videos looking at their set up Wainwright video The honey jarring set up was simultaneously impressive...
  3. J

    New polynuc from Thornes

    I think you're right, I'll edit my post.
  4. J

    New polynuc from Thornes

    Thornes existing 6 frame polynuc is made by Stehr in Germany. BS honeybees are highlighting that there nuc is UK made and not a Chinese copy, which may be relevant.
  5. J

    New polynuc from Thornes

    Had a look at one this morning - it's a langstroth nuc that has inserts to make it fit national frames. The feeder has a roof access to refill which could be an issue in wasp season.
  6. J

    New polynuc from Thornes

    Something to have a look at tomorrow's show, if only to then lament on the mushrooming fragmentation of the polynuc offerings. Thornes DS polynuc
  7. J

    Novel cassette extraction -

    This appeared on my Instagram It uses a salad spinner like unit to spin out the honey from a section sized (10cm x 10cm square?) plastic cassette. Looks £££ and more faff to me. I appreciate the dislike of sticky extraction but replacing it with an extraction...
  8. J

    What shop honey tastes like

    Honeydew honey contains high levels of oligosaccharides. Oligosaccharides count as non sugar carbohydrates.
  9. J

    What shop honey tastes like

    Oligosaccharides come under the non sugar carbohydrates umbrella. AFAIK for the purposes of nutrition labels anything that is not a monosaccharide (glucose or fructose) counts as an oligosaccharide. Trehalose, a disaccharide of two glucose monomers, is one of them. The presence/absence of...
  10. J

    Cotswold Farm Park opportunity

    If it was James Howlett, a quick google suggests he's still active in the Stroud area as a beekeeper. I thought the Cotswold Farm Park beekeeper was the unfortunately named Michael Hunt and it would fit if he was scaling down as he is 70+. But my local BKA WhatsApp group linked Chris Atkins of...
  11. J

    Cotswold Farm Park opportunity

    Cotswold Farm Park (home of Adam Henson from BBC Countryfile) is looking for a beefarmer/beekeeper to look after 40 hives to supply their shop. Further details on their Facebook page.
  12. J

    How much!?

    Similar on my local FB group in SW Warwickshire, IIRC it's a scam.
  13. J

    Strap everything down -- it might get a bit bumpy

    Regarding the fallen tree, you could get hold of some rootstocks and have a go at grafting yourself ( not that hard, lots of advice online) or pay someone to do it for you. Walcot Organic nursery near Pershore used to offer that service Walcot Nursery
  14. J

    What defines a healthy colony

    Also transferring across from human health, there's the concept of good health being more than the absence of physical disease. Are the following healthy? Drone laying queen, wax moth or mice in residence, no stores, no pollen? I think colony viability (over what time frame?) is also part of...
  15. J

    Honey weighing machines

    Swienty did an online sales talk about their filling machines 3-4 years ago and were asked about cheaper alternatives. They were very dismissive about the quality and longevity of the internal components. It wasn't clear whether they had in mind European or Chinese alternatives and I get that...