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    • J
      Jimmy replied to the thread How much!?.
      Similar on my local FB group in SW Warwickshire, IIRC it's a scam.
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    • J
      Regarding the fallen tree, you could get hold of some rootstocks and have a go at grafting yourself ( not that hard, lots of advice...
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to JamezF's post in the thread BeeBase 'known risk' with Wow Wow.
      From memory I had eight warnings this year. James
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to pargyle's post in the thread Honey weighing machines with Like Like.
      Years ago, when I had my spraying company, we used to buy airless spray pumps that were supposedly made in the UK. On a whim I bought...
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to JamezF's post in the thread God I love growing our own with Like Like.
      I have wanted to do this for so long... A couple of weeks ago I was offered the opportunity to pick some perry pears from a local...
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread What defines a healthy colony with Like Like.
      A strong population with a healthy brood pattern and a queen laying well in what I call a concentric pattern, newly emerged cells being...
    • J
      Jimmy replied to the thread What defines a healthy colony.
      Also transferring across from human health, there's the concept of good health being more than the absence of physical disease. Are the...
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to drex's post in the thread What defines a healthy colony with Like Like.
      One of my first lectures at Med school was " when are you ill" I.e. not healthy. After much discussion the main answer was , " when you...
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to Sutty's post in the thread Honey weighing machines with Like Like.
      I looked at some of these machines on amazon after a previous thread, what really put me off was when I enquired about spare parts they...
    • J
      Jimmy replied to the thread Honey weighing machines.
      Swienty did an online sales talk about their filling machines 3-4 years ago and were asked about cheaper alternatives. They were very...
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to JamezF's post in the thread Your streamlining tips? with Like Like.
      Ah, I rarely read YT comments because they're so often full of utter drivel. Perhaps I should go back and do so in this case. James
    • J
      Jimmy replied to the thread Your streamlining tips?.
      I think it was a talk in ~2008. The general ethos of his approach rather than the specifics are what to me is the take home message.
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to JamezF's post in the thread Your streamlining tips? with Like Like.
      I'm amazed that there's sufficient forage around each site for all of those new nucs. I guess feeding them helps. Not sure how I feel...
    • J
      Jimmy replied to the thread Your streamlining tips?.
      At least he didn't mention matchsticks. Here is the link to the David Wainwright video
    • J
      Jimmy replied to the thread Your streamlining tips?.
      A couple of things to pass on: Notes from a talk by Andy Wattam, former National Bee Inspector, titled 20 Minute beekeeper...
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