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      Penninetrader replied to the thread Heroes.
      Fly tipping, is in a category of it's own so falls outside of my rule, well maybe not in that they have use a vehicle to deposit the...
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      Penninetrader reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Heroes with Like Like.
      apparently they build up an immunity by starting off paddling off the UK South coast
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      Penninetrader reacted to Murox's post in the thread Heroes with Like Like.
      If I witnessed that my response would be classed as provocative to say the least.
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      Penninetrader replied to the thread Heroes.
      They do that so if being watched they appear to be good guys but once out of sight slyly drop said bag, I have watched motorists when...
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      Penninetrader reacted to Murox's post in the thread Heroes with Like Like.
      Amen; and there seems to be a weird idea that putting the waste into a little plastic bag and then leaving it neatly and the path edge...
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      Penninetrader reacted to pargyle's post in the thread Heroes with Like Like.
      I certainly pick up cans and other rubbish on the verges of the road into our estate .. for the life of me I cannot fathom why it gets...
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      Penninetrader reacted to Michael Palmer's post in the thread Heroes with Like Like.
      Here in Vermont, we have "Green up Day". Early May every year, people from communities across Vermont get together to pick up the trash...
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      Penninetrader replied to the thread Heroes.
      When living in Canada, Alberta in particular, we did much the same every spring along the highways for quite some distance. It was a...
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      Penninetrader replied to the thread Heroes.
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      Penninetrader replied to the thread Heroes.
      As a possibly final remark, how many who complain about rubbish in their patch actually make any effort to collect and dispose of it, or...
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      Penninetrader replied to the thread Heroes.
      I think you have completely missed my point with respect, possibly a re read is in order. You have just described exactly how these...
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      Penninetrader replied to the thread Heroes.
      AS for rubbish in those lovely and accessible areas, I pondered on that and in combination with an observation I coined a phrase, a...
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      Penninetrader reacted to Gilberdyke John's post in the thread Heroes with Like Like.
      There are some public services which should have remained in public ownership because of the national interest. Inefficiency was rife...
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      Penninetrader reacted to pargyle's post in the thread Heroes with Like Like.
      There is an element of our society that seems to think that it is acceptable to leave their litter anywhere they have finished with it...
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      Penninetrader reacted to Macbear's post in the thread Heroes with Like Like.
      Maybe governments are most of the problem. I heard an observation that Westminster governments are not always interested in projects...
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