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Queen Bee
Jan 1, 2018
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Fernhurst Sussex
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40 plus 23 that I maintain for clients.
I had an interesting experience last night. SWMBO and I were returning from Xmas deliveries up the A286 just north of Midhurst, in the north west corner of West Sussex, at about 1830 and noticed an animal crouched beside the road as if he was about to cross.
I slowed down, as I have a fear of dear who always seem to leap out in front of me as I approach them! As we passsed we both agreed it was a wallaby. I know there are quite a few escaped wallabies about but have never seen them around here before. Anyone else have local marsupials? (This question is not addressed to Antipodes!)
I had an interesting experience last night. SWMBO and I were returning from Xmas deliveries up the A286 just north of Midhurst, in the north west corner of West Sussex, at about 1830 and noticed an animal crouched beside the road as if he was about to cross.
I slowed down, as I have a fear of dear who always seem to leap out in front of me as I approach them! As we passsed we both agreed it was a wallaby. I know there are quite a few escaped wallabies about but have never seen them around here before. Anyone else have local marsupials? (This question is not addressed to Antipodes!)
There was an established colony at Harpur Hill near Buxton for a few years. I don't know if they are still going. It can get pretty cold and wet up there.
There was an established colony at Harpur Hill near Buxton for a few years. I don't know if they are still going. It can get pretty cold and wet up there.
Was this part of the rumours to do with the Roaches? The alleged eccentric millionaire who collected animals and released them into the wild in the Peaks near to Leek? I know there's a few miles between Leek and Buxton but its very close not to be connected surely?
"The Roaches" is a place! 🙂
no, roaches are freshwater fish with bodies in a vertical orientation, one eye on each side of the head
Plaice are saltwater fish that are horizontally orientated , both eyes on the top side and sit on the bottom of the seabed
I had an interesting experience last night. SWMBO and I were returning from Xmas deliveries up the A286 just north of Midhurst, in the north west corner of West Sussex, at about 1830 and noticed an animal crouched beside the road as if he was about to cross.
I slowed down, as I have a fear of dear who always seem to leap out in front of me as I approach them! As we passsed we both agreed it was a wallaby. I know there are quite a few escaped wallabies about but have never seen them around here before. Anyone else have local marsupials? (This question is not addressed to Antipodes!)
That's surprising. I didn't know there were any over there. I thought you may have come across our magnificent rugby team when I read the title of the post :)
That's surprising. I didn't know there were any over there.
a few have escaped from zoos over the years and seem to survive for a while apart from not being very road aware
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That's surprising. I didn't know there were any over there. I thought you may have come across our magnificent rugby team when I read the title of the post :)
I know of several Victorian collections of wallabies that were bought over and over the years some have escaped and live wild. I recently went to a large garden on the east side of West Sussex (about 30 miles away)where they have a colony of wallabies so it's possible I saw an escapee from there.
a few have escaped from zoos over the years and seem to survive for a while apart from not being very road a
The one I saw seemed road aware, he looked like he was obeying the green cross code. 😀
no, roaches are freshwater fish with bodies in a vertical orientation, one eye on each side of the head
Plaice are saltwater fish that are horizontally orientated , both eyes on the top side and sit on the bottom of the seabed
Plaice: only in their adult and juvenile forms. The larval form have an eye on either side and can swim around.

The concept of a plaice 'sitting' leaves me floundering. Do they have designated locations to perch such that one can say it's the correct place?
To quote that modern literary giant, Taylor Swift: look what you made me do. That is, remember these...

Two parrots are sitting on a perch. One turns to the other and asks "Can you smell fish?"

Or the two fish (whether they might be plaice or roach or something entirely different does not appear to be a matter of record) in a tank. One says to the other "Do you know how to drive this thing?"

And probably my personal favourite...

A pair of lions escape from a zoo and take a stroll into the local town. One says to the other "You know, it's surprisingly quiet for a Saturday afternoon".

As a teenager my local farmer had a second farm at Dagnall near Whipsnade. Sat on the tractor following the combine I saw wallabies everyday. At the time it appeared that they were able to come and go from the zoo as they pleased.
(Prisoners on Day Release???)
Here in Tas. we have pademelons (pronounced "paddy melons") and Bennett's wallabies. Both are considered wallabies. The first photo is a pademelon with joey in pouch and the second is the bigger more kangaroo-like Bennett's. Which do you see there?


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To quote that modern literary giant, Taylor Swift: look what you made me do. That is, remember these...

Two parrots are sitting on a perch. One turns to the other and asks "Can you smell fish?"

Or the two fish (whether they might be plaice or roach or something entirely different does not appear to be a matter of record) in a tank. One says to the other "Do you know how to drive this thing?"

And probably my personal favourite...

A pair of lions escape from a zoo and take a stroll into the local town. One says to the other "You know, it's surprisingly quiet for a Saturday afternoon".

The first sentence, whilst amusing, is hard to swallow.
To quote that modern literary giant, Taylor Swift: look what you made me do. That is, remember these...

Two parrots are sitting on a perch. One turns to the other and asks "Can you smell fish?"

Or the two fish (whether they might be plaice or roach or something entirely different does not appear to be a matter of record) in a tank. One says to the other "Do you know how to drive this thing?"

And probably my personal favourite...

A pair of lions escape from a zoo and take a stroll into the local town. One says to the other "You know, it's surprisingly quiet for a Saturday afternoon".


Theres the one about the rabbit and the bear having a dump but its a bit too close to breakfast.
A roach is a fish not a marsupial
Perhaps someone needs to tell Parrots that a perch isn't a place to sit(even when deceased) its a fish! Or goldfish that a tank isn't for living in, in fact to the contrary they're for killing things! Lol

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