Very full super thoughts?

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Field Bee
Sep 22, 2017
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5 commercials no more😭
I have just got commercial hive recently. Chap i got them from said feed till they want no more especislly after stress of moving them to ours. (50miles). So we did. Ive left them alone since then till today. Its very warm and sunny and i needed to put in varroa strips so had a quick inspection at the same time.Both BB and S are full full full of bees. In BB every frame is now full and mostly capped. Only very inner frames with all stages of brood, readying down for winter. There is an entirely full super on top all capped and bulging. Bees are still bringing in loads of pollen and i assume nectar too. Should i add another super to give them room while its still so warm. I had planned on leaving the super on over winter for their stores just concerned they still have warm mild weather and no more room. Any suggestions welcome. Cheers.
If you decide to add a super add it underneath all the box's, that way they will only use it if they need it and you can remove it in spring. Don't forget to remove the queen excluder.
Yes queen excluders already off, they just seem to be still producing so much I didn't want them running out of room while still foraging , which apart from the outer most side of external frame they are full and capped.Would taking the first and last frames out and replacing them help give them space for now. If they don't fill them I can always replace them (with ones taken out) as it starts to get cold and foraging stops, or if they then fill new frames, I can keep the others as feed for spring. Is that a flawed idea? Sorry to ask so many questions but I want to get it right and the only stupid question is the one not asked.
Yes queen excluders already off, they just seem to be still producing so much I didn't want them running out of room while still foraging , which apart from the outer most side of external frame they are full and capped.Would taking the first and last frames out and replacing them help give them space for now. If they don't fill them I can always replace them (with ones taken out) as it starts to get cold and foraging stops, or if they then fill new frames, I can keep the others as feed for spring. Is that a flawed idea? Sorry to ask so many questions but I want to get it right and the only stupid question is the one not asked.
Yes queen excluders already off, they just seem to be still producing so much I didn't want them running out of room while still foraging , which apart from the outer most side of external frame they are full and capped.Would taking the first and last frames out and replacing them help give them space for now. If they don't fill them I can always replace them (with ones taken out) as it starts to get cold and foraging stops, or if they then fill new frames, I can keep the others as feed for spring. Is that a flawed idea? Sorry to ask so many questions but I want to get it right and the only stupid question is the one not asked.
Brood frames or super frames? If those undrawn frames are brood frames, turn them so the undrawn part is inner most. Apart from that, they sound in good shape.
Yes queen excluders already off, they just seem to be still producing so much I didn't want them running out of room while still foraging , which apart from the outer most side of external frame they are full and capped.Would taking the first and last frames out and replacing them help give them space for now. If they don't fill them I can always replace them (with ones taken out) as it starts to get cold and foraging stops, or if they then fill new frames, I can keep the others as feed for spring. Is that a flawed idea? Sorry to ask so many questions but I want to get it right and the only stupid question is the one not asked.

Hi Bakerbee.

Keep asking the "stupid questions" because you won't be alone with them.

Others out there who are new to the hobby will pondering but aren't brave enough to ask.
Thanks everyone. Feel chuffed coz i had turned the outer BB frames this afternoon to get them to draw them. Ok all set for winter, fingers crossed.

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