Uniting colonies

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New Bee
Jan 19, 2013
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Hello everyone.

I have 2 questions which I'm after some advice on please:

1 - I had an aggressive colony which I wanted to requeen. I killed the old queen, split into 2 nucs and introduced a mated queen into one of them. The mated queen appears to be laying fine after a week and I'd like to unite these 2 nucs back to 1 colony. How long I should wait before uniting?

2 - I performed and artificial swarm with a Snelgrove board but I don't need to make an increase I just wanted to quash the impulse to swarm. Could I reunite the bees before they make a new queen assuming I break down all QC's?

Why did you split into 2 nucs? Surely easier just to introduce new queen after killing old one.

The queenless nuc will most likely have made emergency queen cells by now.

I would go through this nuc and remove said cells and re-unite asap.
1 confused about split too! But squirt of air freshener in each and put back in brood box
2 the whole point of a snelgrove board is that you open the entrances to bleed the flying bees back into the original hive. Don't see the problem. Let bees use entrance over board, after a week close above entrance and open the one below it. Open the opposite entrance above the board to create another flight path. Repeat till none left!
Whats all this air freshner business going on ? Cant be good for them can it .
1 - Queens are more readily accepted into nucs aren't they? That's what I keep reading anyway... Besides, I've tried to introduce a new mated queen to an aggressive (queenless) colony in the past and they have on both occasions not accepted her. Anyway - this is all sorted now thanks.

2 - I use a Snelgrove board as I am short on space where some of my hives located. Putting the split on top rather also saves on extra equipment.

It's been 6 days now so I'm wondering whether to knock down all bar 1 QC and leave them make a new queen up top or knock them all down and re-unite a day later. Like I say, I just wanted to quash the urge to swarm. I'm not after a new queen or a new colony I'd prefer a good honey crop from 1 colony.

What's the best way to achieve this from the current set-up?

I understand the principle of filtering flying bees which I'd be happy to do but will it achieve what I'm after?

Why did you split into 2 nucs? Surely easier just to introduce new queen after killing old one.

The queenless nuc will most likely have made emergency queen cells by now.

I would go through this nuc and remove said cells and re-unite asap.

Precisely? What on earth was the point of splitting when you are going to reunite anyway?
Whats all this air freshner business going on ? Cant be good for them can it .

A quick squirt of the least offensive air freshener in each part of the hive you want to combine seems to work a charm. Probably better than the chemicals in newspaper print. Learnt about it on this forum and now use it all the time.

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