Swarm collecting, inspections and bait hives

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Well, the attached photo shows a swarm collected from a garden near RAF Fairford, Cirencester on Friday 30th.....it originated from a colony in a chimney, and was a fine prime swarm.
It was hived on one drawn comb and foundation, with sugar syrup fed.

The bait hive in the garden in Melksham had more activity around it today, a fine warm 20 deg day, but its going to be very changeable this coming week.

Finally, this lunchtime I removed 2 QX put in below brood chambers used to prevent 2 swarms from absconding. 4 Queens clipped and marked, 3 in swarms and the 4th in a huge 14x12 colony purchased about 8 weeks ago. 4 honey supers full, and my lordy they were *******. A combination of water spray and heavy smoking barely calmed them and every frame removed and replaced caused huge amounts of boiling over.
I clipped HM but was seriously considering snuffing her out to let them raise a new one.....thoughts ?? Thing is 4 full supers almost all capped shows they are productive.....

Anyway, no QC so I trust they'll survive until the week after next.


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