Slowly getting better

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Well I have taken the plunge and started to buy kit. Have ordered a full suit from BBwear and now just waiting for it to arrive. Have been out with my mentors today at their 2 apiaries. The first one has 2 hives which have both just been requeened. Both are progressing slowly although the smaller of the 2 had a closed QC. The whole frame has been removed and placed in a nuc with other frames with bees and stores.
I was then told to inspect the 2nd apiaries hives which are both the results of collected swarms. Was very happy to find both queens (both unmarked) and to complete the check without any problems. Am really loving this. Now the decision to either wait until spring to buy a hive and bees or jump in now and try to build up a colony and keep it going through the winter and give it the best chance to produce a honey crop before the end of next year's season.