QE brace comb

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New Bee
Apr 22, 2020
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Hive Type
Last week I added a super to a hive which started as a nuc. All frames were drawn out and the brood box seemed full. It is a national hive with bottom bee space. I added a wire framed QE below the super with the bee space down. This morning I have inspected and found that the bees seem to be ignoring the super and have instead put lots of brace comb on the QE. Is this a problem (or will they eventually move in to the super anyway)? If so can anybody suggest ways I can stop them building brace comb on the QE, should I remove everything already there?


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They always put some on there. I scrape it off if it gets really bad. One question, is it under or over the QE
Thanks. It’s mainly under.

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Thanks. It’s mainly under.

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No problems then, just a pain! When you remove it, loosen the edges and then twist it so you don't lift the frames!
Last year I spent time each inspection cleaning comb off the QE. This year I've just left it having learnt they always rebuild it anyway 😊 Just let the bees have their way on this one!
You have to realise that when you put a framed Queen excluder in, whether the hives are TBS or BBS you are doubling the beespace between the top of the brood frames and the bottom of the fist super frames; in BBS, the frame gives one beespace over the brood, in addition to the beespace under the super frames, or vice versa in TBS. t's no big deal - just clean it off occasionally if it's sticking everything together.