Post swarm collection mop up

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New Bee
Aug 20, 2018
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Hi all,

A swarm that had settled in a nearby compost bin a few days ago was collected over the weekend and the collector returned later in the day to pick up the stragglers. Unfortunately a number managed to avoid ‘capture’ and having lost their home and queen are now somewhat agitated - a neighbour was subsequently stung so I went round to see if I could help.

Late once the evening I emptied the compost bin to remove their hideaways, moved it to a new location and have taken a further couple of mug fulls of bees away but despite this, said neighbour was stung again today.

Aside from lots of PR to help persuade the locality that having bees in the area isn’t a bad thing, is there anything else I can do to get rid of what has quickly become a local nuisance?

Thanks for any help
Unfortunately I wasn’t aware of the swarm until after it was collected so I have no idea who took it meaning that isn’t an option I’m afraid without lots of detective work.
Sounds like a grab and go job. Without 'dealing' with the stragglers, they will just hang around unfortunately being a nuisance. Sadly, the best thing to do is spray the little cluster with soapy water.
Would leaving a nuc box overnight give them somewhere to go? Maybe some eggs to look after? Then shut them in before dawn?
Thank you both.

I went round this evening and there were a few dozen bees loitering around the old site. Having read Swarm’s advice I sprayed a mix of washing up liquid and water (1:4) and although not the most enjoyable of experiences it did the job. I’ll check over the next day or two to see if there are any returning foragers.

Unfortunately I didn’t see Stedic’s response until after I’d done the deed so don’t know how well it would have worked but certainly one to bear in mind for the future.
I like to use a cheapo cased air freshner block at the swarm landing place.
It helps when you have put the box with collected swarm neaby (for evening collection).
Last week, a member of the public drove home with the block hanging on his rear wiper arm after I had collected most of the swarm from the back of his car.

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