one of eight my hive becomes very active.

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i need to ask ,one of eight my winter hives become very active.
my apiary its placed in very quiet and southern sunnyside till afternoon(concrete panels 2.5m high barn)

right now we have 15 deg in noon every other day(when not wet end rain).
im very often by my hives,than few days ago start observing one of my hives was very busy, start suspecting robbing,(narrowed entrace),but today I've done experiment put litte syrup with thymol in pot 15m away and realized immediate action by this hive ,literally you see flying bees up and back in the air.when bees start queuing in entrance I open it wide
from other hives just few bees was in action .
all hives are heavy with some fondant .
all hives been treated with OA
dont know what to think?
does this hive lost queen?,or sometimes it normal.
this is my first winter and so far everything's was ok
and for sure no neighbouring hives close by(at list 3.5 miles away)
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It is normal. The temperature suddenly reaches flying temperature and they all come out en masse this can last five minutes or a couple of hours depending on temperature and forage. Nothing to worry about at all. Most hives fly at slightly different temperatures. The sun on the entrance will bring them out.
It is quite normal for bees to be active when the temperatures are in double figures - possibly toilet breaks, water collecting or looking for early forage. Unlikely to be robbing but best not to open feed with syrup, stick to fondant at this time of year or you will encourage them to be more active than is good for them if it turns cold again.
It is normal. The temperature suddenly reaches flying temperature and they all come out en masse this can last five minutes or a couple of hours depending on temperature and forage. Nothing to worry about at all. Most hives fly at slightly different temperatures. The sun on the entrance will bring them out.

Absolutely, sometime blink and you miss it. They don't all come out flying at the same time.
I had exactly the same today and i also have eight colonies..all are pointing in different directions regarding North and south..six of them had the odd bee coming and going but two of them looked like spring had sprung..then 20minuets later all where quiet..
It is normal and happens differently each year with each good thing is you know the ladies are alive..Queen wise that is a different story till May/June in my neck of the woods when i can open up on a good day when shifting nadired supers about ready for the Oil Seed Rape appearing.