New swarm caught

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Field Bee
Jan 11, 2018
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I have checked my national nuc bait box and have another swarm in it.... it looks quite a big one.

Due to the time of the year is it best to let it build the nuc and over winter in a poly nuc or combine it at some point with another hive?

Think I will need to feed it as the forage is now slowing up.

Any advice welcome....
You are catching swarms and don't know what to do when you get one.....
Stop catching them....
I have caught a swarm (just a few days ago) and at the moment it is in a poly nuc with only five frames in it as I didn't have enough frames at the time to fill it to six. Tomorrow I am going in and move them to a new full-sized hive as it too was a big swarm (from one of my own colonies). I toyed with the idea of letting them over-winter in the nuc box but I think there are too many bees in there at the moment and don't want them absconding. It's only early July so there is plenty of time for them to build up into a large colony and, like mine, a nuc may be just too small.

NB I'm only in my second year so my advice might be bollocks for all I know but it's what I'm doing, if they don't like it I'm sure they'll let me know one way or another.
I have checked my national nuc bait box and have another swarm in it.... it looks quite a big one.

Due to the time of the year is it best to let it build the nuc and over winter in a poly nuc or combine it at some point with another hive?

Think I will need to feed it as the forage is now slowing up.

Any advice welcome....

This all depends upon how well they develop ... let them stay in the nuc - if you start seeing wall to wall brood you can then transfer to a full hive - it will be easier if you have drawn frames to help them along. If you are starting with foundation you might be better leaving them in the nuc as they will be hard pushed to draw frames, lay up enough brood and forage. If you are not using drawn frames feed them to assist them to draw out the frames.
it will be easier if you have drawn frames to help them along. If/QUOTE]

Paul, its a swarm, they are designed to draw foundation....

Of course, but if they don't have to draw new comb out on at least some frames they have less work to do ...

The question was about whether to keep them in a Nuc or get them into a hive in order to overwinter ... more you can do to assist them the more chance of getting a good strong colony using the last few months of the season.

"A swarm in July is not worth a fly"
Lots of tension on the forum this week. Is it the heat..? LOL
Lots of tension on the forum this week. Is it the heat..? LOL

I like the heat, what I don't like is everyone whining "oh, it's so hot, will it ever end, I can't stand much more."

WAKE UP people, soon enough this weather will end and it will be cold and wet and drizzly and hailing and snowing and freezing and you'll all be complaining about that too.

It's hot, deal with it, the bees like it and are still bringing in nectar.
It is NOT hot.
40C and 80+% humidity is HOT.. (and very uncomfortable)

(I have run half marathons when it is HOT... when I was younger# and a little slimmer)

# a lot younger..
I have checked my national nuc bait box and have another swarm in it.... it looks quite a big one.

Due to the time of the year is it best to let it build the nuc and over winter in a poly nuc or combine it at some point with another hive?

Think I will need to feed it as the forage is now slowing up.

Any advice welcome....

Feed 1:1 to draw out the frames, if the brood looks as though it will outgrow the nuc transfer to a national. But try not to make it syrup bound.

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