Mini diggers and bees?

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Drone Bee
Jun 3, 2012
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A plotholder is planning on bringing on a mini-digger to do some work on their allotment. Their plot is right next to the apiary area.

Will the bees be bothered by it?
Depends on time of year, weather and time of day.

Mid summer, midday on a warm calm day might not be the best idea.
Drive mine past the bees all the time - no issues.

I have worked for an hour about 5 meters away, again without issue. It was only about 3 meters to one side of their flightpath as well...

When a bolt fell out of the linkage between the flail mower and tractor, whilst mowing the grass, 3 feet in front of a hive, it was a different story however. To get stung, or to work on a greasy linkage in a new, white bee suit... that was the question. It was answered pretty quickly...
A plotholder is planning on bringing on a mini-digger to do some work on their allotment. Their plot is right next to the apiary area.

Will the bees be bothered by it?

Only one way to find out. I mow up to my hives and they mostly don't bother especially if it's after dark!!!! You can always wear a smock to defeat their aggressive interest anyway.
Depends how close and how much digging he's going to do. I was digging close with a larger machine (1 metre) or so and it was deep and a couple weren't too amused but still didn't get all of them out. Given likely to be indoors, size of machine it shouldn't cause them to over react unless a bit arsey anyway.
I'm not sure what they're planning to do with the digger - it is a good few meters from the hives. (At least 3)

Its very likely to be done during the next few wintery months then hopefully they'll stay in and not be interested.
Is shutting them in an option if he's not using the digger for too long? It may save him a few stings.
A small mews development was built on land boundary 10ft from my bees. Because it was 'contaminated' they had to excavate and build a concrete raft foundation - this involved a pile driver 15ft away. The bees were unbothered.......

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