Hi easy beesy,
thanks for your concerns. lol...
I will be joining southport or ormskirk beekeepers, not quite sure which yet. its a size vs distance conundrum as yet.
I have only been in a hive a couple of times this summer. Before that was 20 years ago. So although I have no real experience I know a few very local people who will be there to hold my hand.
As regards bees, every bee supplier I have spoke to have been excellent. Becky's bees, bs bees, Exmoor bees, a few black bee suppliers from north wales. All fantastic with regards to help and advise. After reading Cooper's book on black bees I did have a mental shift to the north wales black bee but in recent days I am now swinging back to the buckfast. I dont suppose it makes a great deal of difference though. Overwintered nucs on langstroth are available from quite a few places and converting a national nuc to langstroth isnt a problem either. Then I always have the option of buying a package from quite a few places. A lot of the small local guys wont really know what they have available till next spring when they assess the damage! Local would be better though so I dont have to drive down to gloucester or andover etc. I've got a great site for the first few hives and I've got access to plenty more land around here if I want more. I think (hope) I've got most of the bases covered for the time being.
I've just read jurgen tautz's book 'the buzz about bees', a great read. There is so much info on the web these days and there are some really fantastic blogs in which I can read about people's experiences with all aspects of beekeeping. Add to that forums like this and I can definitely keep bees 'on paper!', lol. Now for the real thing.....