'During the season' does not to me imply winter.
The very suggestion that there could insufficient room for brood unless they are short of food does not imply winter.
All of this implies that it is during gaps between flows etc, but definitely during that part of the year when there is really significant brood rearing going on.
So.........IF you have a healthy colony of bees then of course he is right. if you whole colony CAN be contained in a single BS deep, during the season and with no extra boxes on, then it is a poor colony indeed, or perhaps just a nuc building up, or a split.
So, IF we are talking about during the active brood season (which seems plain) then the debate is a sterile one, as all that is shown by the author is a delicious talent for stating the obvious.
But, IF he truly IS talking about winter, then I would *tend* to disgree with him, even with vigorous high population bees, although he may have been talking about feeding only once in Aug/Sept, then not again till spring working was going on. He was also in the south, where winters are less cold than in the areas further north, and warmer weather equals greater activity equals higher stores consumption. Sounds a bit like fence sitting, but the old Chinese saying about not judging a man till you have walked a mile in his shoes applies here. He lived in times and under circumstances that we do not. If I could then my view might change from 'tend to disagree to 'tend to agree'.