stolen hives.
I had 2 hives stolen last year, one had bees.
So I brought a branding iron with my BBKA number from a nice chap in Yorkshire for about £60. Figures approx 18/20mm in height.
The down side to this, having something powerful enough to heat the iron when I'm out in the sticks and if any was stolen, who would see that the number on the frames, boxes, floor etc, were not of the beekeeper standing over them.
If I was to sell/pass any bits over, I would brand the item again but this time, upside down on the original.
If the Bee Inspector (RBI/SBI) doing his rounds did notice these numbers, either branding or marker pen, would he check? Possibly not. It's down to educating other beekeepers and the Inspectors to just take a bit more time seeing what's in front of them and checking if unsure.
It won't be too long till the electronic means become affordable to inbed a transponder thingy in each super/brood that will flash up in our mobile and allow thestolen hive it to be tracked.