Finman What's Next please

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Drone Bee
Oct 18, 2010
Reaction score
Devon & Dorset
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Polystyrene & lots more next year again hopefully
As you suggested, we put a full brood box of foundation under the old brood box a week ago.

A quick look shows all frames being drawn out, some have a fair proportion of nectar and pollen stored there already.

Bees are working furiously.

Do we swap the boxes around or leave as is?

What's next please?

The hive has been really fast when it has drawn combs in a week.
It shows too that they can keep boath boxes warm and they needed new room.

Next job is swap the boxes.

* Queen gets more laying room and it prevents swarming
* turning over mobilize winter food
* bees consume brood ´combs evenly and all corners will become as old as the centre and lower parts.


I do not know when, but I suppose that super is needed soon

When you give a super, move the winter food frames from sides near brood frames. Bees will make brood into combs and so they move and consume old food.

Thanks for the next step - much appreciated :)

We will swap the boxes next week.

"When you give a super, move the winter food frames from sides near brood frames. Bees will make brood into combs and so they move and consume old food."

Could you explain this more please.......
Bring the stores on the outside of the hive, closer to the centre. They will use the stores, and the cells will be ready for HM.

I think that's what Finman means.
Thanks :)

That's a la PolyHive method I take it?
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