Bees out

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Field Bee
May 29, 2010
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Walked down to the hives on Friday (unseasonably warm after all the snow) and saw lots of bees out from both hives. Not going far but obviously on cleaning flights. Nice to see them again.:hurray:
I seen 1 bee today, after a quick heft of the hive 1flew out.That was it, at least i have 1 bee left for sure :)
first flash of hazel pollen coming in here, 10c dry and bright sun today by my carnie mongrels ( my Italians are still in bed)

a few of the bees were collecting pollen from Catkins on hazel bushes close to hives. The Hazel is in a walled garden normal a few degrees warmer and is the only hazel in flower, other catkins in the hedges are still green and closed,

oh how beautiful that flash of golden yellow catkins looked after all the grey of the last few weeks, but winter is not over yet
Saw a few go in and out on Sunday, one had its pollen baskets full but I could not identify what it was... Possibly gorse???

Ben P
Mine were spotted all over the alottment site yesterday. Looking for something to eat I guess.
I have two hives side by side both with queens mated locally last year,

This lunchtime one was manic, looked just like a summers day, mostly cleansing flights (and some orientation flights?) the other was much quieter, only a few bees coming and going but they were bringing in grey pollen

Nice to see them again.
wish I had a donkey shed

Me too. I spent a fascinating half hour or so on Sunday watching the dead being cleared out. Felt a bit guilty as I should've given them a helping hand by lifting the mouseguard temporarily.
Last weekend, I dropped a large paving slab on my left thumb, while I was working very close to the hive. The sound of thousands of startled bees humming in response carried right over the sounds of me hopping about in agony and swearing like a trooper.

Right after that, I saw lots of 'em coming out and carrying dead bees away from the hive - amazing to see that actually.

I expect my thumb nail will fall off in the meantime - it's gone all black. :nopity:
my bees were out to bumping there dead in a large pile good to se them out

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