After this mornings rain the sun came out so I seized the opportunity to inspect my home hives. Nos 1 2 3 are ok although still some chalk brood mummies in 1. Despite the chalkbrood it is the strongest hive and filling supers rapidly.
The AS hive I took from No 2 is bringing in stores and most of the brood frames are full of nectar,however no eggs, larvae or capped brood. No sign of a queen either.
I looked in the WBC hive which has struggled to expand and noted eggs, larvae and capped brood. I went through the broodless hive to recheck for a queen and convinced there isnt one I took the decision to unite with the WBC hive. I have used the newspaper method, WBC brood box on top.
I checked the two latest swarm hives and found both expanding with eggs, larvae and capped brood.. The queen I marked was there but the green marking was almost rubbed off so I remarked her
The AS hive I took from No 2 is bringing in stores and most of the brood frames are full of nectar,however no eggs, larvae or capped brood. No sign of a queen either.
I looked in the WBC hive which has struggled to expand and noted eggs, larvae and capped brood. I went through the broodless hive to recheck for a queen and convinced there isnt one I took the decision to unite with the WBC hive. I have used the newspaper method, WBC brood box on top.
I checked the two latest swarm hives and found both expanding with eggs, larvae and capped brood.. The queen I marked was there but the green marking was almost rubbed off so I remarked her