Checked super contents on all hives. Some not worth taking (hardly drawn) so will leave them for the bees.Thursday fitted clearer board to No1 hive, Friday took off cleared super and fitted clearer board to No3 hive. Saturday removed cleared super from No3 then applied Apiguard to Nos 1 - 3 plus No5. Applied MAQS to No6. Waiting for post to deliver Apilife Var to treat No4. Varroa slides put under OMFs.
All frames capped in the harvested supers with a bit of uncapped in the No3 hive one that passes the shake test.
No significant externally visual effect on hives on Sunday with normal traffic for the conditions.
All frames capped in the harvested supers with a bit of uncapped in the No3 hive one that passes the shake test.
No significant externally visual effect on hives on Sunday with normal traffic for the conditions.