2024 Glos BKA Auction mopup

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Queen Bee
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Wiltshire, Somerset, S Glos & S Oxfordshire
Hive Type
Well last Sunday was the Glos BKA Auction that was held at Westbury-on-Severn village hall.

A little further to travel but nearly 400 lots to choose from.

Sadly no live bees were offered - none had been entered probably due to late splits/swarms and poor overwintering locally.

There was much to choose from as usual - from wax and honey (1 bucket) to boxes of jars, 3 different hive wheel barrows, some home made solar wax extractors and plenty of hand and electric extractors too.

Only 3 WBCs, one of which with 5 lifts in a lovely chestnut cedar complete went for £350+

Complete hives went for £25-£95 (depending on quality). A noticeable absence of any candle making supplies, and few books, although I did pick up an original translation of Faber (1915 edition) and managed to bag a number of other bargains, as did my bee buddy Chris.

Also absent were a number of regular faces - I hope they are ok - it was nice to chat bees and help a few of the newbies with queries too.

Tea, sandwiches and cake were top notch.

