A fairly large group assembled for todays session. We had an informative talk about the options and treatments currently used. Pyrethroids are presently not effective in the area so the use of Api Life var, Apiguard and MAQS were considered.
Application of the treatments were demonstrated after removal of honey supers which were ready for harvesting.
The use of an eke to give space for Apiguard trays and also the use of modified crown boards with single bee space on one side and extended space at the other. A number of poly nucs were treated with Api Life var which did not need eke space. The omf floors of these were covered with cardboard and gaffer tape. Maybe next year a thin plywood slide can be used with slide bearers attached to the poly nuc legs?
Application of the treatments were demonstrated after removal of honey supers which were ready for harvesting.
The use of an eke to give space for Apiguard trays and also the use of modified crown boards with single bee space on one side and extended space at the other. A number of poly nucs were treated with Api Life var which did not need eke space. The omf floors of these were covered with cardboard and gaffer tape. Maybe next year a thin plywood slide can be used with slide bearers attached to the poly nuc legs?