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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Nat1

    Local Associations not aligned with BBKA

    Scunthorpe in not linked in any way to Nth. Lincs or Lincolnshire BKA, it is totally independent.
  2. Nat1

    Yorks Moors

    Is anyone able to give a report on the current state of the Heather on the Yorks Moors, will it be worth the trip?
  3. Nat1


    Thank you, I had read that and the fact that it suggested a crop could be harvested from them made me wonder whether anyone had tried before and what the results were.
  4. Nat1


    I have around 20 acres of Lupins (L.angustifolius) nearby, will I get a crop from them and would it be worth it moving them to it?
  5. Nat1

    Local Associations not aligned with BBKA

    Scunthorpe has no connection with Nth. Lincs whatsoever, it is totally independant.
  6. Nat1

    Benefits derived from County affiliation

    As all activities are done by a District Assoc. and are for the benefit of a District Assoc. what benefits are derived from any district belonging to a County BKA? :confused:
  7. Nat1

    Nuc's for Sale, Nth Lincs

    Still a couple of nuc's left
  8. Nat1

    Nuc's for Sale, Nth Lincs

    Nucs for Sale 8 available ~ 5 frames (Hoffman), Mated 2012 Queen, Marked yellow & clipped if required, Strong colonies with brood in all stages Sold as bees on frames - own Nuc/Traveling box needed £120.00 each PM for details
  9. Nat1

    WBC Hives for Sale

    WBC Hives for Sale 2 complete With or without bees, PM for details
  10. Nat1

    WBC & Bees for Sale

    WBC Hive with a nuc of bees for sale - Nth Lincs PM for details
  11. Nat1

    Queen Fainting during marking?

    I have experienced it, very new beekeeping lady marked the queen on the frame with a cage, she overdid it, seemed like 5ltr. of emulsion on her. Queen promptly lay over dead for all appearances. We put her and the frame back in the hive and had a look 20 minutes later and there she was running...
  12. Nat1

    Nuc’s for Sale – North Lincs

    No they certainly are not, raised from my own stock
  13. Nat1

    Nuc’s for Sale – North Lincs

    These nuc's now need to be in a full hive
  14. Nat1

    Nuc’s for Sale – North Lincs

    5 frame Nuc’s on BS frames. Headed by 2011 Queens. Any inspection welcomed. Collection only. Travelling/Nuc box needed, can deliver locally. £130
  15. Nat1

    Weald Farm Orders

    The nuc’s were sold by Weald Farm Bees as being 6 frames headed by laying queens at a cost of £190 each to a novice. Nucleus 1 i. A 4 frame nuc at best. ii. Queenless, no sign of eggs and few sealed cells. iii. Queen cells present (4/5) but in my opinion extremely poor ones...