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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. G

    I think my bees are about to swarm advice please

    if you're in doubt about what they look like: Uncapped brood capped brood picture
  2. G

    Graham Sutherland: The Bees Suite you could buy his book
  3. G

    Swarm or Supercedure

    Supercedure Cell – a queen cell usually found in the middle of the frame. This tells you the bees are replacing their queen. These are different from swarm cells. Swarm cells hang from the bottom of the frame. I voted Supercedure Cell
  4. G

    stoneleigh show

    I thourghly enjoyed it even though it cost me ?30 & I arrived too late on Fri to do the lectures I wanted to attend.
  5. G

    Maybe helpful site

    Am I the only one who noticed these people were not actually inside? 1.They were in Stoneliegh but not inside the BBKA convention. 2. If they're so computer literate & really interested in Bee Keeping, then how come no one on this forum has known the people behind this for...