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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    Drones carrying the recessive gene causing white eye and whit thorax .

    I have a colony with white eye drones, quite a lot
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    Requeening advice

    As usual the bees neglected to read the books and burrowed under the cage
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    Requeening advice

    I have introduced a queen using this method just last week, I made the small nuc up and placed the queen in the same night, I placed the queen in a mesh push in cage (home made) over emerging bees with a patch of honey, so in the corner of a frame, 4 days later she was running about in the cage...
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    Improving your bee genes

    I’ve just ordered the principles of bee improvement, hoping for some good pointers
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    Bees for free - Yorkshire

    Check your PM mr. ian
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    Button fly jeans...

    Something similar happened to me during my last inspection, the girls were a bit tetchy and were bumping my legs, due to lack of food and rather cloudy conditions removed a super and just finished inspecting the BB and looked down, my jeans were covered in bee's and to my horror my zip on my...
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    Deep end or what! swarmed today!

  8. S

    pink rubber gloves from now on.

    I started with the leather and have moved on to rubber, next stop nitrile/ latex, leather was never very comfortable
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Started putting together some nucs I have been cutting, watched some scout bees checking some of my spares out.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Cut wood for 9 nucs, watched the girls coming and going in my garden bringing in lots of pollen, took off the mouse guards resisted the urge to have a look in, next weekend I think.
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    What are my chances of success?

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    Commercial links

    I know that some posters on this forum are into beekeeping in a big way, and it is a business to them ie, hive makers queen sellers etc, I would like to know who does what, so I wouldn't mind if they had a link in there posts that would take me to there web page.
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    Swarm Collectors List

    I to was on the BBKA swarm collectors list last year, collected 3 swarms and really enjoyed it, I have expressed my willingness as I did last year to collect swarms with my local association but have not been nominated as a collector.
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    Whats the best Mini Nuc?

    Looks good, any chance of a few more pics, inside, are the frames cut down super frames, looks like you have been very busy these dark nights:smash:
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    Height of Swarm

    Had a one up a very tall tree, no chance any ladder would of got to it so I put spare hive under it and a day later swarm housed
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    Who's up / Who's down?????

    Started the season with 2 overwintered hives, AS both and caught 3 swarms all doing well
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    Whats the best Mini Nuc?

    Are you making your own mini nucs out of wood or poly, would be nice to see a photo or 2, i am going to be doing a bit of queen rearing this year but I am in 2 minds what mini nuc to use
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    Whats the best Mini Nuc?

    So Kev what is the best mini nuc now you have had a year using both.
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    Good or Bad year?

    My second year and it had to be better than my first year, started with 2 hives, 15 pound of honey of the rape from 1 hive, which is'nt good I know, another 19 pound of another in july, collected 3 swarms, after some ASs etc have 9 colonies now some stronger than others might unite some of them...
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    what do you do with your honey cappings

    :hurray: I'm hungry