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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S


    Nice graph Finman. What's the source of the graph?
  2. S

    Smoker Fuel

    I find that it is easy to light, smokes really well but can be strong and gives me a headache so I figure it can't be that good for the bees. I still use it though as a starter and supplement with anything else thats smokes. Egg cartons, leaves, pine cones, twigs. etc.
  3. S

    Earliest Swarming - time of year.

    That's an early one. One of Prof Ratnick's maybe?
  4. S

    Earliest Swarming - time of year.

    thanks. Was that in France?
  5. S

    Earliest Swarming - time of year.

    Does anyone keep records of when their bees swarmed. My records show the earliest dates my bees swarmed in the past few years as April 18th and 21st. (London area) Anyone have knowledge of their bees swarming earlier in the year than that?