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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. L

    Stings and Arthritis / rheumatism

    osteoarthritis / fibromyalgia / Carpol Tunnel Hi i have osteorthritis / fibromyalgia /carpol tunnel in both hands for those people who dismiss bee stings as not good for the above condition then you dont know what you are on about it really does help every time i go into the hives i get stung...
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    Camra security

    Hi i have just bought a wild life camra it takes stills and video the battry lasts for two weeks it is only activated by movement so you might get some pictures of foxes ot badgers but i dony mind as i know my hives are secure bee-smillie:cool:
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    Why I am here

    My Hives Hi Brade Nice to see somebody from the us i have two nationals and two Top Bar Hives i am at present converting my nationals into the same as top bar hives i belive in the natural way let the bees build natural comb bee-smillie:coolgleamA:
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    TBH - entrance?

    Re Top Bar Hive Hi i have two four foot hives i have two holes on one side at each end but i can close what ever ones i need to with bottle corks works ok for me bee-smillie:coolgleamA:
  5. L

    Stings on gloves

    Keeping bee calm when checking them Hi when i check my hives i put icing sugar in my smoker and puf fsugar over them and that keeps them quiet and busy grooming them selves so they dont take any notice of what you are doing it works for me and i just ues washing up gloves and no stings...
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    New to forum and beekeeping

    Hi And Welcome Hi i have my hives on the allotment and are doing well, get your self some good books and read up, make sure when you buy your hive it is complete with frams and a mesh floor and just get your suit and tools for now, if there is a bee keeper near bye perhaps you could visit them...
  7. L

    time of day to inspect?

    Inspection of hives I inspect my hives between 9.00am and 10.00am and i have found that the bees are more easy to manage you can get to inspect them better becuse they are a lot quieter early in the morning as to later on it the day as it gets more hotter :cool:bee-smillie
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    Why say NO to doing a course?

    why join associations I have tried and tried to join a local association but with no luck i have been on a course not bad but not good for the money i paid i have all the books and a laptop full of information so when i open my hives i can see what i am looking for by using me refrence books...
  9. L

    training in the Cannock area midlands

    Hives on Allotment Got four hives on my Allotment two active and two waiting for bees if you want to have a look just to give you an idea :cool: bee-smillie
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    posible hedgerow pete on watch dog??

    Killing Bumble Bees What gives you the right to kill the Bumble they are very important to the echology of our plant life not to mention they are animals you wouldnt kill your own honey bees this is against the law and you should be reported for this :cool: bee-smillie
  11. L

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Visited Girls Poped down to see the girls all was ok got feeder on one hive and are going to place feeder on the other but they all seem active just got to see and wait for the sun to come out Bait hive still no sign of a passing swarm :cool:
  12. L

    Bees and hive free to collector

    Sorry to hear about your bees i would have them but you are to far away from me good luck with them
  13. L

    Advice on new swarm wanted.

    Re swarm The hive is new with new foundation the swarm when i had them was a fair size i have fed them with fondant but thet have not touched it at all they are just in a cluster in the bottom of the brood box i think they have swarmed a took the new queen with them becuse when i opened then...
  14. L

    Advice on new swarm wanted.

    I recently had two swarms checked the one this morning and they are doing well building combe in the brood and starting on the supper the second hive are just huddled in a corner of the brood box they have not started to build any comb in the brood box at all or start to lay i have a feeling...
  15. L

    Allotment Beekeeping

    Is your allotment a council run one if so the law of the land says that you are able to to keep hens and other stock including bees but the local council can say no to people keeping hens on the grounds that people do go on holiday so who looks after them, but bees are diffrent they look after...
  16. L

    Collected another Swarm today,,,

    First swarm in Collected my first swarm to day got them in the hive back on the allotment really pleased :party:
  17. L

    Starting a bee Hive

    I have got two nationals wont buy bees at the price they are asing i have baited my two hives so just have to wait for a swarm it is exciting watching the scouts check the hives out it is just a waiting game for now
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    Changing Hive Frames

    Hi all and good morning, i would like some advice I have at present two national hives with the normal frames in, my question is instead of having frames in the supers with the wax foundation in could i just put in the wooden frames with no wax foundation so the bees will build comb between the...
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    nucs for sale in Derby

    Do you sell youe pete if so how much and when are they ready
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    Cheap Nuc Box

    Try E Bay they seem cheap the ones i looked at