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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. C

    Advice required

    Hi all, Use to keep bees a while ago but due to new baby and job, I couldn't keep up witht the maintaining of them. I was only a beginner but decided to wait until things settled down before I continued. A friend took over the colony. In June however had a call from a fellow beekeeper who...
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    Second hive placement

    Hi, I have my hive on my allotment, enjoying it. Purchased a second hive to place next to my original site. However a friend had said I could my second one at the bottom of his garden. (Very long garden that backs onto private woodland - no issues) However, he lives a good 10 minutes (few...
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    Inspection routine

    Hi folks, Just done by first inspection, however on my second, I buggered up on the old smoker. As a beginner, you learn from mistakes, so I after the smoker went out (quickly should I say) I replaced the hive back and will attempt again. This time however I will practice the smoker at home...
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    First inspection, advice

    Hi all, Going to do my inspection this weekend, however having read books, advice from BKA, what are the key points to look out for? Is there any recommended texts? website links? Advice appreciated... Beginner Chris
  5. C

    One Hive Advice

    Thanks for the advice, I agree, two is better, Thanks
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    One Hive Advice

    Thanks for Advice Hi for all the responses, Part of me realises that two is better than one and to be honest is not that much difference in regards to time, so I think I will look at a second purchase. Thanks again Chris
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    One Hive Advice

    Hi, Currently I am coming up to my first year as a beekeeper looking after one hive. I was planning to purchase a second hive this year to home a second colony. However, with a new baby and time constraints with work, I have decided to postpone the second hive until next year. So advice...
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    Fondant feeding on queen excluder

    Hi, Can someone advise a beginner? Had fondant on since Nov/Dec. Currently wrapped up in plastic it was supplied in with slits/holes in for bees to access. However, this is the question. Currently it is placed on top of queen excluder!!! Should the queen excluder still be on? Does it matter...
  9. C

    Solid Floor or mesh

    Hi, Looking to buy my second hive this spring. Currently have a national with solid floor, but as a beginner, what is better? Solid or mesh? Reading many books and articles, including this forum as a biginner does, many prefer mesh. If I do decide mesh, how do you convert from solid to...
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    Purchase of hive

    Hi all, Can anyone help? Still a beginner here but just joined a local group and have a friend who is helping out. I would like to purchase another national hive. Included should be brood box, two supers, frames and foundation Any recommendations on where to purchase one? What are the best...
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    Fondant and Oxalic Acid

    Hi, Still a beginner here. First of all, going to treat bees with oxalic acid this week but need to source it. Only have one hive at the moment, two come spring. Can anyone recommend best place to buy it? Also there is currently fondant slab on top of the brood box. Is it OK to apply the...
  12. C

    Fondant: can you help?

    Hey there, Get intouch with bako, (do search on internet. If you can get them to deliver to a business address, (any business, doesn't have to be a caterer) then they will deliver 12.5kg for approx £10 (price also includes delivery). Phone up and ask to do a miscellaneous order. Chris
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    fondant from bako

    Why make your own at such cheap price. Cost of time and electric/gas, don't bother, my opinion anyway...
  14. C

    fondant from bako

    Hey Cliff, Bako fondant you can buy 12.5Kg. Cost me £10.67 all included, cash on delivery. However they only deliver to a business address, doesn't have to be a caterer, just any business address. Ring them, up, really helpful. Never seen £100 minimum order. Ring up and ask for miscellaneous...