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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. B

    swarm in super

    Thanks what would you do with wid comb... there is quite a lot. Thanks Bet
  2. B

    swarm in super

    Hello A swarm has arrived in our empty hive.... bit unexpected... only 5 frames in BB but super has all the frames..So the bees have taken over super , brood and stores. however in the gap in the BB ie the middle is empty , no frames in centre, they have built a beautiful comb down to the...
  3. B

    How much door

    Okay the bees are v busy should I open thedoor right up, ie romove wooden door strip all together. Or leave in place for some protection??
  4. B

    swarm in super

    I have had a swarm arrive which is great... unfotunatly I did not have the queen excluder in and a super on top. So the bees are very active but in the super. Any advise on how to get them back down into the broad box, or just leave alone.. Bet
  5. B

    Ready for Supers but..............

    My new hive is going very well and has only one frame left to draw out. So ready to add supers but the bees have built comb/stores on top of 4 of the frames. any suggestions about how to add Q excluder with out sqashing stores?? Thanks Bet
  6. B

    Queen advice

    I set up my nuc in their hive this week, all is going well. Very busy bees and I am feeding them. This morning I found a large bee shaped chrysalis outside the hive. It appears to be a unformed queen. Is this possible? Is this Okay? Thanks Bet
  7. B

    Nuc in 5 days...

    I have have just transfered my nuc into the brood box at one side, all good so far. How long should I feed? Thanks Bet