It is my understanding that the mite- resistant strains are better at grooming- removing mites and killing them. One variable not often discussed is their ability to SEE them on other bees- in the dark interior of a hive. letting a little light in might make a world of difference- thoughts...
I'm not sure his intent is fully "" treatment free. "" there is some middle ground where varroa is treated, but bees are not robbed of all their honey and fed sugar for winter. trusted to do what needs to be done, and aided in doing it. Inspected, but not interfered with and dictated to...
What Wilco said. ''I believe"" that it is not the words, but the odor, sometimes of fear/ stings that bees can pick up on. we all know that after a few bees sting, their friends will join in quickly. they smell our fear, and the smell of the stinging guards.
In regards to honey and hay fever- ''people have said'' that it must be honey from the flowers that give you the hay fever ( ragweed for ragweed allergy), and that you will be protected THE FOLLOWING year- not right away.
Been in beekeeping /hobby for 69 years now- ain't quitting yet! As a five or six year old kid always took a dare. the other kids dared me to tip over a neighbor's hive. - So I did. and did again, a few days later. and again. and again. My frustrated parents finally decided the solution...
In my defense............ there is no foulbrood in the area- at all. Sacbrood/ chaulkbrood probably is everywhere- but bees control it themselves . rarely ever evident. Varroa is widespread- everywhere. I did mention using a bee repellent ( bee- gone) in the supers, keeping them covered...
WOW! what an article! and yes- it will be a while to digest it all. Thank you, tremendously for the link. Am starting to think of fully insulating one hive, and putting in a remote thermometer, and comparing temperatures to an uninsulated one.
I'm not the only ken around? but - am in new hampshire, USA. right above Boston. Certainly am interested in new methods- still learning. We all are. Have any of you used indoor/outdoor remote sensing thermometers to know the real effect of your method?
love the thermal image! scale/ temperatures? I had put a remote sensing thermometer inside a hive- and a second sensor outside the hive. My comment was based on that small difference