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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. AKbuzz

    Newbie from Alaska

    The dandelions are past their peak and the Mayday trees bloomed out, but the wildflowers are abundant now.
  2. AKbuzz

    Newbie from Alaska

    Busy bees today. Gorgeous sunny weather. Lots of dandelions and the Mayday trees are absolutely humming and buzzing when you stand under them.
  3. AKbuzz

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Trimming trees to get more sunshine on the hives and opening up some flight lanes to the hives.
  4. AKbuzz

    Newbie from Alaska

    Not too terribly cold here once you're used to it. The short bit of sun we have is what gets hard on a person in winter.
  5. AKbuzz

    Why would the bees kill their larvae?

    Our club here recomends treating all new packages about a week after installation.
  6. AKbuzz

    Newbie from Alaska

    No not in the Nat. Park. We're about 50 miles North of Anchorage. Have a cabin about another 150 miles north. Nice view of Denali. Someday might move hives up for the summer of I build a good tall stand to keep the bears away.
  7. AKbuzz

    Newbie from Alaska

    Short and fast. Maybe hot. Maybe rainy.
  8. AKbuzz

    Newbie from Alaska

    Unfortunately, yes we have varroa. Treated with oxalic acid vapor shortly after packages installed.
  9. AKbuzz

    Our first 2 hives

    We're going to do only medium poly hive boxes. Started with 6 bare frames with some foam board followers. Reflectix inner covers and a jar feeder in the upper medium box.
  10. AKbuzz

    Newbie from Alaska

    Wife and I are 1st year beekepers. We have 2 hives in the Matsu region of Alaska. We did a year preparing and then jumped in this spring. Started out with 2 Alaska Honey Bee queens in packages on bare foundation. Both hives started out well and one is going strong. The other lost it's queen (...