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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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    Formic acid to control varroa

    I have been reading an article about Red Wood ants producing formic acid to deter predators. Apparently the toxic is powerful enough to kill mites and lice. Could it be used to kill varroa mites or would it kill the bees? Possibly formic acid might be a more natural alternative at the right...
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    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Privet in full flower with plenty of bees using it here.
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    Possible no queen?

    I have a Warre hive that swarmed last week, but there are still good numbers of bees with odd ones bringing pollen back. Yesterday lots of bees milling around the entrance just flying around and looking agitated? Anybody any ideas?
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    Hello there New to beekeeping so reading lots of books and u tube is good. Got a Warre hive off Ebay last June and put it out. Small swarm came end of July so fed them liquid feed. Over wintered fine and giving them fondant at the moment as it's so wet. Hopefully we will have a good spring/summer.