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  1. ⁸Jo Hewison

    Uncapping after Apiguard

    I'm hoping that's all it was , but I've never seen such heavy uncapping before.
  2. ⁸Jo Hewison

    Uncapping after Apiguard

    I suppose its all comparative Steve- have had bees for the last 40 years, but I've found out they are bees , and always have something up their sleeve to surprise us !
  3. ⁸Jo Hewison

    Uncapping after Apiguard

    That is slightly scarey,James! Smacks of cannibalism! They have loads of stores, but there were just a few small larvae in the cappings.
  4. ⁸Jo Hewison

    Uncapping after Apiguard

    I've restricted the entrances, and there doesn't seem to be any fighting going on. Wasps are about (have wasp traps in place) but don't think they're getting in. Could they just be uncapping drone cells?
  5. ⁸Jo Hewison

    Hi from East Hampshire

    They were only on single brood fairly obviously and not full of honey when I moved them there........Now on double bood full of honey and a super!!!!!
  6. ⁸Jo Hewison

    Uncapping after Apiguard

    Hello - I treated my colonies with Apiguard two days ago, and removed the mite inspection board this morning. I was somwhat taken aback to find a fairly large quantity of cappings on the varroa board under the two strongest hives. I didn't want to do a full inspection, as I'd done a fair...
  7. ⁸Jo Hewison

    Hi from East Hampshire

    Hello - Jo here - I have seven colonies, four in my garden, and two others and a weak colony on the clover 8 miles away. I would like a bit of advise on moving my bees from the clover. They are on double brood (Nationals) , plus supers for space, which I have now extracted. I will need...