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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Hivetool2021

    Clearing supers

    Hi all, most of my hives have 6 or 7 supers on. I clear using rhombus boards but never sure how many supers I need to allow to clear into as I'm always conscious about causing congestion, I'm curious to hear how many supers you clear into and leave on for the rest of the season, I run standard...
  2. Hivetool2021

    Queen stopped laying

    Hi all Hope your bees are ok. Have any one noticed their queens have stopped laying at the moment given the lack of nectar about,
  3. Hivetool2021

    Frames of BIAS

    Hi All Just driving back from the bees and my mind started wandering abd wondered how other beekeepers are doing this year. Justcwondering what's the average size of colony you all have with frames of bias, mive range from 6 to 9. But of a strange question but just wondered
  4. Hivetool2021

    Abelo steam wax melter

    Hi all, I'm considering buying Abelos steam wax melter as I have a large number of frames where I cut out comb and rendered but have frames that need the remaining wax in the side bars to be mekted out. Has any one got experience of using this but of kit Here's the link...
  5. Hivetool2021

    Banking queens

    My thoughts too 😕
  6. Hivetool2021

    Banking queens

    Hi all, please can I have you advice, last week I checked one of my colonies double brood, three supers all good no QC, plenty of space, that evening I collect some mated queens and had to bank one until today as i ovetlooked a colony which was queen right ,I put the queen cage on top if the...
  7. Hivetool2021

    Commercial nuc plan

    Hi all, please can you help I'm after a cutting list for a commercial nuc 5 orv6 frame. I have searched on line but haven't had much success Many thanks HT,
  8. Hivetool2021


    Yes both charged
  9. Hivetool2021


    Yes hrh is in there laying well, its a newly mated queen from emerging 4 weeks ago
  10. Hivetool2021


    Hi all Am I right on thinking this is supercedure cell as there is only a couple and mid frame Many thanks HT
  11. Hivetool2021

    Bees in a roller

    Will do 👍
  12. Hivetool2021

    Bees in a roller

    Blocked the hole before I left
  13. Hivetool2021

    Bees in a roller

    I'm hoping, yes as there weren't any bees left in the roller
  14. Hivetool2021

    Bees in a roller

    After 2 and half hours of smoking and hoovering roller is now bee free, really pleased how smooth it went
  15. Hivetool2021

    Bees in a roller

    Good idea but it weighs a ton too heavy to move
  16. Hivetool2021

    Bees in a roller

    My an is to initially use the bee hoover then when it appears to of got bulk from tbe hole is to smoke then hoover and repeat,
  17. Hivetool2021

    Bees in a roller

    Hi all, I was called to a swarm last evening, but by tge time I got there, they took up residence in a old roller.i aced a bit hive opposite but today they like the roller. I'm intrigued to hear how you woukd tackle in removing from the roller
  18. Hivetool2021

    Super frames

    Hi all I'm after some guidance I'm currently extracting my spring crop , and this year I'm surrounded by osr. I have put the extracted supers back on for the bees to clean, but concerned if I use these supers for summer honey it will be contaminated with osr , just curious to find out what...
  19. Hivetool2021

    Emergency or supercedure

    Hi all, no sign of eggs or larva , I'm thinking they are emergency cells, but could do with a second opinion .thanks HT