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  1. G


    Hi everyone thanks for all the help with the hive so far Had a nice man called Jeremy over from the PBKA today to have a look at the hive, couldn't be more helpful, very friendly. We're going to joining their association and going to try their lessons too He said the hive is healthy and doing...
  2. G

    Whats this?

    I've got a local bee man coming over today! I'll update on here once he's been Thank you everyone!!
  3. G

    Whats this?

    Hi enrico no worries really appreciate the help on here :giggle: Found this picture online , thats what they looked like, maybe a little bigger
  4. G

    Whats this?

    The last owner had taken a super full of honey just before we moved them to our house. Leaving a hive full of bees and only one super. People on here said they were too packed in and recommended adding another super which we did. Wonder if being crammed in like for a week caused them to queen...
  5. G

    Whats this?

    So the ones that had white goo come out of them were queen cells
  6. G

    Whats this?

    Didn't see the queen but they are laying in the middle of the frames so i think that means the queens in there ??
  7. G

    Whats this?

    Good to know those white cells are OK. Are all those yellowy brown cells all queen cells ?? The 6 or 7 I could definitely see were queen cells I killed (there were sticking out quite a bit)
  8. G

    Whats this?

    been in the hive today, found what looked like queen cells to me, 6 or 7 of them, so I scraped them out with the hive tool a bit of white goo came out of them. One of the brood frames had these funny looking white cells in the corner, any idea what it could be?
  9. G

    Three tailed “hornet” Pembrokeshire

    Yes absolutely, didn't realise they're harmless!!
  10. G

    Three tailed “hornet” Pembrokeshire

    Sadly no pics it was over in a flash, the one we killed last year was in the house, my mum's seriously allergic to wasp stings so we had no choice. Not sure what is was, definitely was huge, definitely had that 3 pronged tail
  11. G

    Three tailed “hornet” Pembrokeshire

    If vespa velutina isn't much bigger than a common wasp it definitely wasn't that. The thing was at least the size of my thumb, and fat too! Found and killed this last year, measured 43mm without its antenna, it was not the same as the one we saw today but wondered if anyone could identify it ?
  12. G

    Three tailed “hornet” Pembrokeshire

    I thought you said there weren't any local to us? 2017, plenty of time for them to get here, tonnes of sightings in the UK. Less than 50 miles away as the crow flies. this is what we saw, it was huge, had those 2 extra spikes either side of its stinger. I'm not making this up, if you're not...
  13. G

    Three tailed “hornet” Pembrokeshire

    I'm not mistaken its a type of hornet. We have loads of wasps here, pulled down a nest of them last month. It was on my window less than a foot away, we all saw it quite clearly, definitely a hornet of some variety. We had a hornet here last year and this one was bigger
  14. G

    Three tailed “hornet” Pembrokeshire

    We've just seen a massive 3 tail hornet flying around our house and our hive, I'm no expert but i think it was the Asian one. It hasn't done anything to the hive I think it's looking for a place to nest
  15. G

    Help, i think they're a bit aggressive

    No no think you took me wrong :laughing-smiley-004 !! Really appreciate all the help . Remind me not to knock our hive over Glad to hear tractors arent a problem, after what everyone said about sun not being the most important thing I think that spot at the back of the garden by the field is...
  16. G

    Help, i think they're a bit aggressive

    Hey it's always good to ask for help!
  17. G

    Help, i think they're a bit aggressive

    Hope this helps (not to scale lol) The only other place we could think to put the hive is at the X right at the top of the drawing. the trouble is we get quite a lot of tractors on the field along our fence line I thought that might upset the bees ?? Most of the back garden is it's north...