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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. B

    Winter Projects ! ?

    il be looking for a nice late deal for a cheapish ski holiday after new year!
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    i have always been under the impression that individuals react differentlly to stings, much like in the way people react to allergys. I had a couple of stings that did nothing more than look or feel like a nettle sting. I think if you have more extreme symptoms you should really see a doctor for...
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    Toast of London

    i meant to get round to watching that show, was it any good?
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    Books for begineers

    Was looking at books to buy on Amazon, obviously you have Beekeeping for Dummies, but also looking at Diana Sammataro's "The Beekeeper's Handbook" and Starting Out With Bees by Kim Flottum. Any other recommendations?
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    Bee keeping clubs in Stafford

    Looking for a local beekeeping club to get to know people and learn best practises and get help, am live in Stafford, so if anyone knows of any would greatly appreciate a point in the right direction thanks
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    Did consider the horses, but have a paddock / garden is sheltered from the main yard and turnout area`s. Is on the other side of the house, so should be ok.
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    Hi guys, i havn`t started bee keeping yet but was looking to get into it, have been doing some country shows and been reading into it. I have a stable yard we around 50 acres, so have plenty of room, was hoping for some tips and advice for getting started, and no doubt as i progress...