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  1. S

    fact or fiction..

    but it can't have anything to do with them being raised in a different cell builder would it? that's what I wanted to clarify because thats the reason he gave. And it wasn't just me thought it an odd answer. Otherwise I've found him good.
  2. S

    fact or fiction..

    Hi, yes I've taken out spermathecas to look at recently. Its just something that's always stuck with me as something I was taught but it didn't match with the science I've learnt this year. thanks for clarifying.
  3. S

    fact or fiction..

    Hi, perhaps you could help clarify a few points.. :) Recently I went with a friend to collect some buckfast queens he'd bought from a reputable breeder, who used to work for the bee unit and owns a nationally recognised bee equipment supplier. A couple looked like buckfast but the others were...
  4. S

    Two Queen management & supercedure?

    No more as in gone? I have her. I couldn't see any multiple eggs just they were a bit skeewiff. Maybe she got damaged when I moved the hives.. its was 300 miles!! How about the 2 queen thing? Is it going to be any stronger than keeping them separate?
  5. S

    merging two colonies - how?

    you can tie the comb into empty frames using rubber bands stretched around the frames holding the comb. Just make sure the comb is the right way up though. :)
  6. S

    Two Queen management & supercedure?

    Hi All, I've got two hives which haven't really done much this year because of supercedure and swarming etc. Anyway, I had finally got them requeened and a nice lot of brood but a sudden dearth meant that they were taken off lay and all the brood disappeared.. I fed and moved the hives (this...