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  1. mbees

    Not able to sustain queens

    Hi the queen was introduced in a butler cage 10 days ago. When I inspected a few days later I she was out. This weekend has been the first inspection and was expecting larvae to be present, unfortunately there was none. I have been reading elsewhere in this forum and this can be fairly common ...
  2. mbees

    Not able to sustain queens

    Thanks this is helpful. Cheers
  3. mbees

    Not able to sustain queens

    Thanks I will try this, as a new beekeeper this season I only have frames with foundation. At this time in the season would it be better to have fully drawn frames
  4. mbees

    Not able to sustain queens

    Hi there in a full size national but since they swarmed they have only been in a brood box and no super
  5. mbees

    Not able to sustain queens

    This season I have 5 queens. From a nuc in May the hive has swarmed in June and from then I have had swarm cells , supercedure cells and now emergency cells. I have managed to get enough eggs out off each queen to sustain the colony throughout the season. However I now find myself after having...