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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. T

    Bee Swarm?

    Hi, This morning, I was downstairs in the living room and I kept on hearing this buzzing sound. I went outside to investigate and here is what I have found!: For some time, I have been interested in beekeeping and this may as well...
  2. T

    Wild Bumble Bee maniac?

    Hello, I have a friend who has some wild bees in a hole in a tree in his garden. When I showed him a pic of a honey bee, he said it was a bit fatter, a bit like a Bumble Bee. So would it bee :) reliable to get those bees for my hive? I've already read that bumble bees are in extinction so...
  3. T

    2.75mm thick, planked national hive plans?

    Hi to all, Recently, I have become very interested in beekeeping and I have been researching about plenty of different types of hives. So the depth is 2.75cm, width is 12cm, and length is up to 1 metre Top view: The issue is that the width...