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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. M

    Please help a young beekeeper in Madagascar

    I guess it is a combination of the two. It is offering my daughter the opportunity to use her beekeeping experience to help others, and offering her the opportunity to have a wider range of experience, and asking for support for the organisation that enables that to happen. Sometimes people are...
  2. M

    What not to do with a swarm

    I loved Barbara Kingsolver's "Prodigal Summer" with its story of bees in the wall of a church in Appalachia. They were poisoned, and then the church ladies were all bothered by honey seeping out of the walls onto the church floor. A local beekeeper was called to ask what to do after the...
  3. M

    Please help a young beekeeper in Madagascar

    My daughter Raina was selected to go to Madagascar with Azafady, an NGO undertaking development work there because they were keen to have her beekeeping experience to assist their bee projects. Traditionally, honey is collected from wild hives by lighting a smoky fire beneath a tree with a hive...