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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Maltey

    Help deciding

    I vaguely understood that Goran- would definitely require fresh eyes but I think you're basically saying to put two hives in one? I'm going to visit somebody and see their bees at the end of the month to make sure I'm ok with them but I'm 99% sure I will be. I spent many a day as a child...
  2. Maltey

    Hello from Kent

    Oh I might take you up on that! Thanks so much for the welcome, this seems like a nice and friendly forum :D
  3. Maltey

    Help deciding

    Oh I definitely won't be getting anything yet (unless it comes up at a massive discount!) I just like to research, research, research before I commit to anything!
  4. Maltey

    When to get bees

    Forgive me because I'm not quite up to scratch with all my bee terms; if I already have a hive I'd be buying a nuc right?
  5. Maltey

    When to get bees

    Is there a certain time you should buy bees?
  6. Maltey

    Help deciding

    Thanks for your reply :) I've emailed somebody to get some hands-on experience. I think to be honest I prefer the look of nationals because they look more like traditional hives so I've been looking predominantly at those. With nationals and just a small colony, how many boxes do you need? I've...
  7. Maltey

    Where to find land for bees

    That was a brilliant link, thank you. Apparently there's zero bee people in my area, but I did find somebody who's offering training a little way away so I've emailed her to see if I could visit her and her bees! Thanks for all your replies so far :)
  8. Maltey

    Where to find land for bees

    As I've been reading I notice a few people keep their hives on land away from their home. how do you go about finding this land? I looked into renting an allotment but keeping bees on it didn't really fit in with their rules so I think that will be a no-go. Where else could I look?
  9. Maltey

    Help deciding

    Beekeeping is a lot more complex and in-depth than it first appears! I'm looking into beekeeping but could do with a little help deciding on hive types please. A little about me: I'm only looking to do this as a hobby with 1 hive if possible. I know most places recommend you start out with two...
  10. Maltey

    Hello from Kent

    Hi everyone :D This is my first journey into beekeeping. I have a small solitary bee box on my fence (bought as a present) but I'd really like to get into proper honeybee keeping so looking forward to hearing from you all :)