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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    Propolis and contraindications for anticoagulants

    Hi everyone, I'm a singing beek and regularly nibble the propolis from my hives to keep my voice in tip top shape. However, a nurse who is also a member of the chorus I sing with has sent out a voice health sheet in which she quotes that propolis shouldn't be used with anticoagulants (warfarin...
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    Framed glass for solar wax extractors up for grabs

    I have four aluminium framed, secondary double glazing frames going spare that could be used to construct a solar wax extractor. They vary slightly in size but on average, they measure approx 26" x 30". I don't want any money for them, but if someone were to offer bee keeping kit I would be...
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    What am I doing wrong?

    Another frame question. I've just realised a fundamental error either in my construction or the cutting/manufacture of the bottom bars of the frames. They either sort of fit in the groove of the side bars, but then the other bottom bar doesn't fit because of the overlap, OR the lug of the...
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    Frame nails or staples? And splitting of side bars.

    Hi, Hope this isn't a dumb beginner question. I'm putting frames together, and I was wondering am I able to use 12/14mm staples to fasten everything together, or is there an absolute reason I need to use frame nails? And, how do I prevent the bottom bars from splitting the side bars? Do I...
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    Dn4 vs DN5's? Is there a difference?

    Hi, not sure if this is the righ place for this, apologies if it isn't. I ordered a lot of kit (under the guidance from a mentor) from a well known bee keeping supplier during their winter sale. My mentor recommended DN5 frames. Apart from smashed boxes and no instructions etc, I've now...
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    Which suit and gloves?

    Hi everyone, I'm incredibly new to the craft, don't have any colonies yet, but am learning from a colleague (plus LOTS of reading) who has five plus a nuc on one site and another 15 located somewhere else. Two of the colonies are very angry ladies, so I'm in at the deep end so to speak...