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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Anduril

    Locally adapted, Myth or Cornerstone.

    I thought this was a well balanced talk, which goes both ways.
  2. Anduril

    Equipment For Sale 12 Frame Extractor for sale

    SOLD I spoke to a beekeeper who has given up beekeeping and wants to sell his extractor. Model - Konigan 63-12-RG 12 Frame radial extractor incl Cages. Stainless steel construction Radial frame basket Programable Electric speed controller with auto cut off safety switch on lid. Dimension 1000mm...
  3. Anduril

    Electric frame shaker

    Just came across this on YouTube, I can see it also on Amazon for £183+. Another must have tool or waste of money? I can see the small hobbyist buying this gadget, for the beekeeper in a hurry.
  4. Anduril

    Interesting talk about propolis

    Another interesting talk from the Bob Binnie channel.
  5. Anduril

    Wally Shaw's 3 hour Talk to Alameda County Beekeepers Association

    If anyone is interested, just came across it on YouTube.
  6. Anduril

    In depth Instrumental Insemination of a Serious Hobbyist

    Just thought those who are considering instrumental insemination, might be interested in this video. Shame B+ has left the forum, he may have had something to add.
  7. Anduril

    Winter Survival Of Your Colonies

    This is a recent talk by Etienne Tardif. Goes side by side with Derek Mitchell, by challenging the old wintering ideas of beekeeping.
  8. Anduril

    Sponsors directoy

    I note we now have a sponsors directory and I see I have insufficient privileges. An explanation would be helpful at the beginning of the thread. Not disagreeing with the need, but I suppose it is solely for commercial enterprises to advertise. But an explanation would be helpful, the probable...
  9. Anduril

    Canadian Research into Treatment Free Beekeeping

    Part 1 of 3 For those wishing to go treatment free in the future. Simple methods of breeding bees for VSH and Grooming
  10. Anduril

    Aficionados of oxalic sublimation

    This is a Bob Binnie, part 1 of 3, about 7 applications of oxalic acid sublimation 5 days apart. Ongoing research done by the University of Georgia if anyone is interested. Results of first experiment are similar to members of this forum. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 to follow
  11. Anduril

    Commercial Queen Breeding operation in Northern California

    I thought this might be of interest. All aspects of queen breeding, building truck platforms from scratch and a multitude of other ideas.
  12. Anduril

    Microscopy on YouTube Just found this channel, which may be of interest to anyone wanting to do microscopy. It's been going for 3 months and set to continue. From an article by Mohammad El-Labban
  13. Anduril

    Murray Mcgregor

    Just looking at his recent tweets, he turned up at one of his apiaries and saw a beekeeper, probably in the their 70's looking through his nucs. One reason for checking our apiaries.
  14. Anduril

    Beekeepers in Birmingham spot the errors.

    The public need educating, all these ideas of credit card style feeders to save our pollinators and then this. Spot the errors. Well meaning folk, but words fail me.
  15. Anduril

    Another way of dealing with varroa

    Interesting video. Thoughts everyone.
  16. Anduril

    To save honey bees we need to design them new hives. The Conversation (Media Outlet)

    Derek Mitchell's research. I wonder if he will be working with beekeeping suppliers in the future. Just noticed this while online. Interesting read.
  17. Anduril

    Cooking a hive

    Just thought the beginners would be interested in a video from across the pond. This year there were responses about cooking hives. I cooked a swarm in a correx box a few years ago in hot weather.
  18. Anduril


    Where is Cheers when you want him, anyway the Lost Gardens of Heligan on Springwatch, a small talk about all bees and the 7 hives on the site.
  19. Anduril

    Barbie becomes a beekeeper

    Interesting video on YouTube. Get the next generation interested.
  20. Anduril

    New Beekeeping Technique

    Anyone tried this technique at 07:05, maybe we should ask the bee breeders here to show us before we buy :icon_204-2: Any takers?